Can someone tell me what is the different between Armour and Nature Throid? Thanks you guys!!!!
Amour vs. Nature Throid: Can someone tell me what... - Thyroid UK
Amour vs. Nature Throid

Not a lot
The label and excipient ("filler") ingredients, that's mostly it. And price.
And there isn't a "best" one. Different brands suit different people.
Thank you for telling me that. I am currently on Nature Throid and seem to be doing well on it. I didn't know if one was better than the other. Thanks Peeps!!!!
debber... If you are doing well on Naturethroid, you are wise to stick with it. I take my NDT sublingually (let it dissolve in my mouth) and I find the Naturethroid a little chalky and it doesn't dissolve very well. But it has been around forever and is one of the few name brands that has had very few problems or complaints over the years. Plus, it is very affordable.
phoenix23002 I take Naturethroid and seem to be doing ok on it, would you recommend taking it sublingually like your NDT?
Margo... If the way you take your NDT now is convenient for you and works for you, stick with it. I just didn't like having to worry about food/supplement interactions etc. They say the most important thing with dosing NDT is to be consistent, day in and day out, both with when and how you take your NDT.
Why is consistency important? Some say that taking NDT sublingually means you absorb more NDT than you do when you just swallow the NDT. So, your blood tests are a result of taking NDT whole. When/If you change delivery methods, your blood tests results may change, right? So, stay with one or the other system. If you are doing well, I wouldn't change a thing.
Hi Phoenix, you're right is chalky. I know they say you can swallow it, but I chew mine and you have to drink a lot of water with it. I have been on it for year and I'm doing well with it, but I feel like I'm not fully there yet. I find myself still having some symptoms from time to time, but it's not like it was. I go back to my doctor next month and I will see what they say. I want to get back to feeling better-better like I was, 100%. I was there at one time and I stopped taking my meds due to not getting shipments. That was awful. I never want to go through that again. And yes, Nature Throid is very affordable. I'm so thankful for that. Take care of yourself. Thank you Peep!!!
Hi, debber. When you see your doctor next, maybe ask for blood tests on your B 12, D 3 and an iron panel. It is possible that you just need to tweak some of those items... optimize them. If your doc does do the tests for you, be sure to get a print out. Just being in range isn't good enough with some of these. You could be just a few numbers from being too low, for instance. The print out will let you see exactly where you are at. Maybe post the numbers on this site? There are lots of good, knowledgeable folks on here who can help you analyze what is going on and where you need to improve.
I have been on Nature Throid for 2 weeks and it isn't working for me either so I have had to order more Armour. If you look on STTM web site it tells you:

Wedding2000, I've just started on NDT, about 4 months ago.its going brilliantly, but I've had a few periods of a couple of weeks where I felt pretty bad. The whole time (6 weeks) I spent on 1.5 grains I didn't feel too good, but when I increased to 1.75 felt much better.
If I were you I'd stick with it for a while longer, and try a few different dosages, as it takes the body a long time to adjust. Don't know where you are with recovery, but for me 2 to 6 weeks of discomfort is nothing compared to how long I've been ill
I built up to 3 grains of Armour and was then on that dose for 9 months with no problems. I switched to Nature Throid 3g also which is supposed to be the same dose of T3/T4 etc. due to costs but within a week started to fell awful and all swellings in lymph nodes and pain back same as when I was on levo. Either the doses aren't what they are supposed to be with NT or it just doesn't suit me. I have upped to 4g the last 3 days but no improvement just a pulse increase to 100 -110 so I will have to reduce to 3g again and hope Armour arrives soon.

That switch sounds difficult to do. I think if I were you I would start out on a dose of the new brand one or two steps lower than on the previous brand, and then proceed just as if you were starting afresh with NDT, and increase slowly up to what you need. I think that unlike synthetics, NDTs aren't intended to be standardized across brands, and you might be on a substantially different dose, or your absorption may be different as a result of the other trace hormones like T1 and T2.
I wasn't sure what to do so I posted on this forum to ask the question. Everyone said they just switched 3g to 3g no problems so I think it just doesn't suit me for some reason maybe the T1, T2 ratios or the fillers.

wedding2000... The US brands of NDT all use USP grade thyroid extract. The main difference is the fillers each manufacturer uses and how they are stamped out (coating/pressure etc). Some users who have problems taking their NDT whole have reported good results by crushing their NDT to a fine, fine powder and consuming it that way. Then again, some have tried this method and their NDT still doesn't work for them. It is such a 'throw of the dice' as to what or which way NDT will work for different folks. All you can do is search for the one that suits you.
It is always a good idea when trying different NDTs and different doses to track your body temp and heart rate. Keep a log (nothing fancy) with those values, your dosage and how you are feeling. If temp/heart rate drops, it is time for a small dosage increase. If temp/heart rate elevates above normal levels, time to drop dosage back to a previous level.
Yes I do monitor temp, blood pressure, heart rate AM and PM. Temp has dropped over last 2 weeks and pulse raised. I will try crushing it to see if that makes a difference. Thank you.

Yeah, the Nature Throid is good but I too am not 100% I have to say Wedding, so maybe there is something to that. I will be on it a year come next month and I think I should be a bit better unless it all takes time. I still am not 100% but I'm not where I used to be. Thank goodness!!! Keep me post on how you're doing.

Thank Wedding 2000 for the link. Interesting. I thought I was taking Armour,but my med came from Canada and I looked and it is Erfa that I was taking. I did really well on that at one point, but I remember my doctor telling me they changed it and it wasn't as effective. I do well on the Nature Throid but I still feel like I'm not a 100%. I will be talking to my doctor next month about it.
Sorry misread it thought you weren't doing well on it. If it works for you then great stay with it.

Hi wedding2000 how are you now and what are you taking? Just seen this post - 12 months later. I recently switched from Armour to Nature Throid and am feeling very lethargic and have lowered mood. I switched due to the cost. Did you manage to make Nature Throid work for you and if so why dosage did you settle on - I was on 3 grains of Armour too. Thanks
The fillers.