My 3 year old grandson has had a number of health issues since birth and has been diagnosed with food allergies. These are dairy, raw egg, beef, soya, nuts and more recently wheat. The allergies have not shown up on blood tests and he has had food challenges for soya and peanut which did not show up during the test time but manifested a couple of hours later with digestion problems, skin rash, sunken eyes etc. You may be wondering what this has to do with his thyroid. Well, when the allergic foods have been removed from his diet he has gained a huge amount of weight. His health visitor suggested blood tests to check his thyroid. This came back with raised TSH and the repeat test came back within range. His weight has continued to increase even though he eats a typical diet for a 3 yr old. The gastroenterologist at the hospital repeated the bloods last December and TSH was high again. We then got his blood retested a few weeks later and the TSH had increased again. He was eventually referred to a endocrinologist at a local children's hospital and had more bloods taken. The endo's secretary rang with the results and said that they're normal and more would be said at the follow up appt. I think my grandson has sub clinical hypothyroidism and would appreciate some help from anyone on this forum. My grandson's blood results are as follows:
Date TSH Free T4 Range
13/11/14 5.6 17.9 TSH 0.2 - 4.0 FT4 10.0 - 20.0
18/12/14 3.1 14.6 as above
3/12/15 5.7 16.2
18/12/14 Thyroid Peroxidase 46 IU/Ml range < 100
Date TSH Free T4 Range
30/12/15 7.67 17.7 TSH 0.27 - 4.20 FT4 11.00 - 26.00
30/12/15 Thyroid Peroxidase Ab 9 IU/Ml range < 34.00 IU/Ml
All help and advice will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.