Don't poison the water just because some people can't brush their teeth!
Fluoride Officially Classified as a Neurotoxin ... - Thyroid UK
Fluoride Officially Classified as a Neurotoxin in World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journal

I'm lucky in that I live in a part of the UK where the water supply is not fluoridated. I've also stopped using fluoride toothpaste.
I'm a bit daunted though by the news that tea is a bad thing to drink because tea collects fluoride in its leaves. I really don't want to end up drinking nothing but water. In fact, I don't think I could if I tried!
Now how can I get that link to my dentist and his hygienist? They don't believe me when I say it's bad for everyone.
I definitely use fluoride free toothpaste.
Here is a link to the original Lancet publication. Maybe print it out and highlight about the fluoride for your dentist?
i am an independent water engineer and have been campaigning for years against this, there are real spikes of hypo in treated areas like kent. Even slight over fluoridation will turn teeth brown and speckled which your dentist should be aware of. This is not natural occurring fluoridation we are talking about, this is industrial waste product being added to the water.
Thankfully, I too live in a part of the country where the water is not fluoridated and I try not to use toothpaste with fluoride in it, but it's not easy to get hold of. I've shared this link on my Facebook page as well as the link to the full Lancet article it quotes from and I hope it might make a difference.
I did read on Amazon that it contains a substance called Carboxymethyl Chitosan that is sourced from shellfish, which I am allergic to. However, I did find another fluoride free toothpaste there (Optima 100ml Australian Tea Tree Fresh and White Toothpaste) which I shall try.
I use that pink Euthymol, it tastes like germoline lol!