I've just been reading on the patient UK website regarding treating hashis. My gp often looks at this site when I'm at the surgery, so I'm guessing its NHS? ( correct me if I'm wrong) The last sentence of the paragraph says it all, that basically, normal levels, do not always mean a patient feels well! I'm saving this, and ill be shoving I right up my Endos nose, as she wont treat me with levo, as the NHS won't until you go over the ref range!
Treating hashis NHS: I've just been reading on... - Thyroid UK
Treating hashis NHS

I have Hashi's and read something on here that just rang true for me...
...if you're still fat and symptomatic, then the treatment is not working!!!
despite what your results and GP say.
And given that the standard test is TSH and standard one-size-fits-all treatment is Levo.
It is a scandal of huge proportions. The barbaric UK guidelines. This is an excerpt from Thyroiduk.org:-
Thyroid UK feels that in many instances, patients should be referred to an endocrinologist to check for central hypothyroidism and other thyroid disorders. However, patients are very rarely referred to an endocrinologist for hypothyroidism as it is considered that the GP can deal with treatment.
There is controversy in regard to when a patient is classed as hypothyroid and whether they should be treated or not.
In America and some other European countries, they have reduced the TSH level to 2.5 which means that anyone above that figure will be treated if they have symptoms of an underactive thyroid.
The 'UK Guidelines for the Use of Thyroid Function Tests' state that, "There is no evidence to support the benefit of routine early treatment with thyroxine in non-pregnant patients with a serum TSH above the reference range but <10mU/L (II,B).
Physicians may wish to consider the suitability of a therapeutic trial of thyroxine on an individual patient basis." If your TSH is above the range but less than 10, discuss a therapeutic trial of thyroxine with your doctor.
email louise.warvill@thyroiduk.org.uk for a copy of Dr Toft's Pulse online article. Look for 'if antibodies present' highlight and take to GP. Or send with a note before your appointment so she has time to read. (except the stupid para he also has in this article).
...and yet my experience is that if you go even slightly over their precious range, you will be feeling very ill. Once on medication, you should have a TSH of around 1or less.
It did make me smile - normal levels do not always equate with normal functioning - most certainly the NHS guidelines on 'normal levels' will often leave us not functioning at all.
A scandal, as shaws writes. Be careful about where you shove this up your endo - she may diagnose anxiety and depression and then you'll be on a terrible treadmill if you follow her advice and you'll soon be rattling
Good luck
I posted this a few months ago about the same thing after my GP told me to ONLY go on that site:
I remember laughing when I read that last sentence in the prognosis; the GP unwittingly gave me proof to counter his denial of blood tests being the be all and end all.