Breast Cancer , Nagalase test, MTHFR, & GCMAF.? - Thyroid UK

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Breast Cancer , Nagalase test, MTHFR, & GCMAF.?

9 Replies

Hello to All.

Not sure what i am best to say but We have been dealing with My Wife Sharon's breast cancer since

an operation in November 2014. No chemo , radio, tamoxifen. change of lifestyle, Diet, organics,

exercise & More.

With Navarro HCG levels raised we are looking too Test nagalase, & perhaps circulating tumor cells

( RGCC, Greek Test) or Cellsearch for same CTCs. We have done 23 & Me Genetic testing for

MTHFR but need help understanding it. We are also looking @ GCMAF. It looks Very promising.

We have learnt a great deal on this journey, But, always feel in the Dark.

We need to find out exactly what cancer / circulating tumor cell burden we may have & then work

out how we go about correcting it. If what we are doing now is not enough we will attempt to

address GCMAF ( Group Component Macrophage Activating Factor) ( Boosts Immune system)

That is basically us & where we are just now. If anyone feels we can help them that's good.

Or, Vice Versa.

To Better health for us all.

John & Sharon Butterworth.

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9 Replies
SAMBS profile image

Hi John and Sharon, i do hope it all works out well for the cancer and treatment recovery. I do have a blood disorder as well as an autoimmune diagnosis, and was originally told the blood condition could lead to leukemia eventually by 1 st Haemo. 2nd different one in a different area doesn't agree. Given 2nd one is not linked to a teaching/research Hosp which 1st was and 2nd still doesn't have a clue 2 yrs after starting with him, I'm inclined to believe the 1st one more.

I'm watching my blood tests carefully, re the platelets, Leucocytes, and all 3 of the '...philes' the. Numbers of which do alter and vary each time. My tests are quarterly, so like you say, it's a question of continual observation, research and hoping we can all find the answers where doctors can't always. I'll have a look at the GCMAF.

in reply to SAMBS

Hello Back SAMBS,

Keeping on top of the game is the answer. We did grow up believing that the Drs / Hospitals Knew the best & did the best for us, But since our journey began with Sharon's Breast cancer we have learned different. They will not,

do not do the testing that is necessary. We have to learn & do it privately.

Look into the GCMAF it appears to be a BIG player in the immune Dept.

Best to You. John & Sharon. x.

win_4ever profile image
win_4ever in reply to

Hello so sorry about your wife.

I know very little about the subject except to say that I have read online that Iodine is very much needed to keep breast cancer away.

I know that I had some pain in my breasts in bed and decided to take some good Iodine and the pain left. I have thyroid problems so I don't take Iodine regularly, just the couple of days when my breasts were painful. I am 75 yrs old so I knew it wasn't my periods or menopause causing it.

It might be helpful to Google about it as some Iodine is not good to take and has to be dosed carefully.

Hope you get the answer soon. God bless!

in reply to win_4ever

Thanks Win4ever. Sharon does take Iodoral , iodine/iodine combined.

We have tested the iodine loading test at Regenerous labs uk.

She was deficient Both times. We have upped the dose & are due to test again soon.

Try to keep active as you can, fresh air, deep breathing, sunlight,

Good clean Organic food if possible, No processed foods. No fluoride / chlorine water... That's what we try to do as much as we can.

Thanks for your post & God Bless to You.

John & Sharon.

Elven profile image
Elven in reply to

So sorry to hear about Sharon's illness. You're brave and bold to be taking charge of needed tests. You shouldn't have to. Bless you both xx

SAMBS profile image

Hi john. Me again.

I've just put GCMAF into my search engine and it took me to Wikipedia, so I kept following up the links, and despite warnings about the initial research into the efficacy of it and the paper being flawed and withdrawn, I continued following links.

The 1st thing it made me wonder is, was Sharon ever diagnosed with Thyroidism and or Type 2 Diabetes - if yes - thereby meaning she may have been prescribed and taking Levothyroxine and Metformin at the same time. If your answer is NO to both then what I have been led on to will/may not apply to you. .

If the answer is yes, then read below and/or follow on by searching the same way I did. Being in the dark with conditions is never a good place to be, which is why I've been doing so much of my own research also......

....and it's all very complicated when getting into the actual science of it. but I did note a few things that struck chords with me. The formation of the white cells for fighting infection - they are made In the spleen - I ended up with a swollen spleen and it was sometime after self stopping them, my doctor picked up on something in my thyroid blood test, that's when I was sent to 1st Haemo. He did a bone marrow test and 2 months later in Dec 2012 came up with Myleodysplasia (MDS). So now 3+ years on, with unspecified cirrhosis and 1st tests for C and Alcohol in 2014 being negative, still no answers!

But on following your link further, there is a lot of talk about metabolism the binding of Vitamin D protein and under the Description paragraph - I clicked the highlighted word, " deglycosylation " because I didn't understand what it meant.

It's really a question of following links where you see words or things mentioned that have been come across before on earlier searches. For me it's like the connection between the amount of oxygen in the red blood cells also. I have some respiratory problems also but a recent chest X-ray ruled out smoking as being involved. I had smoked for approx 25 yrs, stopped same amount of time, but started again in 2013 after a brain haemorrhage (yes stupid I know) but Apparently connected with brain cell injury caused to my sensory receptors, plus the addiction Centre in the brain.

So a combination of events both internal and external but all connected to the bloodstream - where those nasty cells get moved around the body is relevant to a lot of health issues for me!

Thanks for reply to to my 1st and I don't know if anything I've put here rings any bells or not with you also, for Sharon's prior and existing health conditions. I continue to wish you both well in your research. Shirley.

waveylines profile image

I just want to wish you well with your hunt and hope the treatment goes well. I was diagnosed just over a year ago and have had the full works that the medical profession can throw at it -so far very successfully. There is no doubt it put a major dint in my physical health as treatment is very toxic. However am getting stronger now & am slowly getting my energy back. These days they have got much better atargetting BC types and most people do well. Nevertheless it's a scary long process.

I agree organic non processed food is the way to go -all those hormones that piled into meat and diary can't be good for you.

I feel so much better and various friends say I look better then I did before diagnosis. 😊😊 Fresh air walking, good food, plenty of water and sleep are working their magic!!

SAMBS profile image

Pleased to hear you re improving wavylines - my literal stumbling block is doing much walking due to physical walking ( 3 foot ops same foot, over the years and balance effects of my BI but I do what I'm able to as and when I can.

Elven profile image
Elven in reply to SAMBS

Oh you poor thing. You've been through the mill x

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