After having a hugely out of proportion set of results in December, I stopped taking any medication and then built up again.
Because I am obviously a novice I acted without full knowledge of what I was doing and literally crashed for a month. I have been following Paul Robinsons advice and gradually building up until I feel well. Obviously some things are still not perfect but my latest results are better.
In December my T3 was a scary 22 when top of range was 6 and yet my TSH was still 6.5 - the highest it has ever been.
I now realise that most results when taking T3 only are skewed and that its how you feel plus check the TSH just now and then for an indication of how you're doing?
So the results I have just received are as follows:
FT3 9.5 (2.0 to 6.5 range)
FT4 7.4 (0 to 24 range - I expect this to be low because I only take T3)
TSH 9.5 (even higher than before but at least the T3 isn't so scary)
My belief is that I took too much notice of the T3 result, stopped taking anything, built up gradually and all the time I have been undermedicated because the TSH figure needs to drop.
What are all your views and insights on this please. I obviously need to raise my T3 . It could look like I might need to add some T4 but I really do not get on with T4 PLUS if I raise the T3 it should obviously lower my TSH instead of taking irrational action.
I actually feel reasonably well. My temps have never reached 37 or just under yet. I never felt overmedicated atall while the T3 was 22 which is why I didn't take any action before testing. This obviously scared me that I didn't notice it but it seems I wasn't over medicated anyway. My tell tale effects of if Im undermedicated appears to be inability to lose weight, depressed mood, painful joints.