First test done Sept 2015 on 3 grains. Free T3 11.5 pmol/L Range 3.10 - 6.80 pmol/L
Free T4 18.8 pmol/L Range 12.00- 22.00 pmol/L. TSH <0.20 mU/L Range 0.27-4.20mU/L.
Second Test Dec 2015. on 1.5 grains. Free T3 11.2 pmol/L - Range 3.10 - 6.80 pmol/L.
Free T4 12.3pmol/L Range 12.00-22.00pmol/L. TSH <0.20 mU/L Range 0.27-4.20mU/L.
I really need advice on what to do or where to go next. When on 3 grains I felt really unwell, my heart was racing and jumping all over the place I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Now having dropped back to 1.5 since Sept my heart no longer races and I have felt very calm and fine until a couple of days ago when I felt thoroughly depressed, with anxiety & panic attacks as well as exhausted, cold, achy and the beginnings of very dry skin.
What I don't get is why is my heart ok now, with no palpitations and racing when the T3 result is near enough the same as last Sept. What's going on, I don't get it?
Will I have to change my meds for something else, or can I supplement with T4? Really appreciate any help on offer.
Thank you