I hadn't heard of Patient Online and so googled it when a fellow poster mentioned it. To my surprise, searching further, found my GP here nhs.uk/Service-Search/GP/Lo... and noted that he accepted requests for repeat prescriptions online - hurrah !
Handed in my repeat script today at my GP. Reception staff are a lovely lot and usually so helpful and can-do. Unlike GP but that's a whole different story. I looked around reception for a poster trumpeting Patient Online and was a bit put out not to find one. So whilst I asked about my smear test ( 1st appointment end of March ! ) thought I'd ask about this, too.
Pained looks all round. My request took two receptionists to even begin. Eventually I was asked to return to complete some forms when I called for my repeat prescription. But you won't be able to get your repeat prescriptions online, said one. Oh yes, you will ! Said the other. But how ? Said the first - we never check online ! After a little quizzing it became apparent that they'd had the training for Patient Online eight months ago and I was the 2nd person who had asked to be registered from a patient roll of over 2000.
Doubtless because my single handed GP had chosen not to promote the service. Resultant in his staff having suffered eight months worth of knowledge decay, subsequent to their unpracticed training.
Didn't have a go. Just no point is there. Only my blood pressure I'm raising