I seem to get a few queries about the functionality of Systmonline and the ability to access medical records.
Systmonline has, in line with the other GP platforms, the capability of giving this information. In fact it is a breach of the GMS GP contract if this is not available. As reported previously the only platform NOT currently able to give this information is VISION, this is being addressed.
The screenshot is from the systmonline online information found on this link
The problems arise because
1. Practice staff are unaware of the regulations
2. Practice staff do not have the technical understanding of how the system works or how to set it up.
3. Contract changes allowing access to digital historical access on request is listed in the Appendix of the GP contract and easily missed.
You have the right to see your online GP record.
All GP platforms except VISION can show historical and prospective records
If you have opposition/refusal there are steps you can take to resolve this
1. Print off the relevant page in the GP contract (screenshot in my last post) and take to the Practice Manager to discuss
2. Download the Evergreen Life App to Access your online GP account. They have a helpline and will often contact your GP surgery on your behalf to help with the technical set up
3. Patient Access also has an online help option in the technical section of the website
4. Contact PatientOnline, they have local digital champions who may act for you and visit surgeries to give demonstrations
5. Contact NHS England Complaints who will act for you as the Practice are in breech of their contract if they are refusing to give online medical record access
Perseverance is the name of the game. Do not be fobbed off by staff who give misinformation. Go armed with GP contract information and website information from the platforms.
I am currently campaigning for accessible information for patients stating their record access rights and giving the full information regarding the different GP platforms and the different Apps and how they work.
Do not give up. Good luck!