Ferritin level : My ferritin level is 11 is this... - Thyroid UK

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Ferritin level

EmmaBull profile image
24 Replies

My ferritin level is 11 is this ok? Since starting iron tablets I feel so much worse? Thanks

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EmmaBull profile image
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24 Replies


Welcome to our forum.

Ferritin of 11 is far too low. There is controversy over a good level but most aim for halfway through range to be optimal. Too low (or high) iron is problematic and should be addressed. Hair loss, fatigue, dizziness and shortness of breath can be symptoms of low ferritin.

I don't supplement iron so can't comment but some members have had difficulties supplementing and will (hopefully) advise what has helped them.

Do you have a thyroid problem? Low ferritin can inhibit thyroid hormone conversion and make you feel very unwell.

Post any recent test results complete with ranges (numbers in brackets) for members to comment.



Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.


EmmaBull profile image
EmmaBull in reply to

Thank you, I went to the doctors because my periods were so irregular and I was trying to conceive. He Checked my blood and everything was fine except my ferritin levels. He doesn't went to see again which concerns me

Has anyone else had this problem ferrous fumarate is making me feel so tired

in reply to EmmaBull


Whether you are having troubles conceiving or are worried about having enough iron stores to ensure a healthy pregnancy, you need to raise your level considerably. I have heard a low ferritin level can contribute to infertility.

Did your doctor perform a thyroid function test ?

Your title is informative and will attract those more knowledgable about supplementing iron.



Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and this information is not intended to be a substitute for medical guidance from your own doctor. Please check with your personal physician before applying any of these suggestions.


EmmaBull profile image
EmmaBull in reply to

Thank you I am new to all this but finding it a great help no he didn't but I will

Make sure I go back monday! X

in reply to EmmaBull


Also Vit B12, and folate are hugely important.

A doctor's "normal" is not always a level that members have found to be most beneficial. Post any iron, nutrient or thyroid hormone test results complete with ranges (numbers in brackets) for members to comment.


EmmaBull profile image
EmmaBull in reply to

Thank you what from

Your opinion would be classed as a normal ferritin level? Thanks

in reply to EmmaBull


Half way through range (numbers in brackets).


Clutter profile image

Emmabull, no 11 is very low. What iron tablets are you taking and what problems are they causing?

EmmaBull profile image
EmmaBull in reply to Clutter

I have started taking ferrous fumarate which I know feel tired tearful unmotivated and energyless

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to EmmaBull

EmmaBull, the symptoms will be due to low ferritin, not the iron tablets. It's going to take months to improve ferritin. Take each iron tablet with 500mg-1,000mg vitamin C which will aid absorption and minimise constipation.

EmmaBull profile image
EmmaBull in reply to Clutter

I have been suffering from constipation previously would that be why bevause of the low ferritin (sorry TMI)

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to EmmaBull

EmmaBull, no, it's unlikely. Unfortunately constipation is a common side effect of supplementing iron.

EmmaBull profile image
EmmaBull in reply to Clutter

No I mean I suffered before my anemia was diagnosed could this be due to low ferritin level? Thanks

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to EmmaBull

EmmaBull, no, low ferritin doesn't cause constipation.

rick45 profile image

I once started taking iron tablets and they made me feel so ill I stopped taking them,

After a blood test my iron was through the roof,

So I shall never take iron again.


EmmaBull profile image
EmmaBull in reply to rick45

Many thanks im going to give it a week or so and see how I feel... Feeling a slight improvement this morning

hose1975 profile image
hose1975 in reply to EmmaBull

As others have said, it will take quite some time to raise your ferritin to at least halfway in range. By the time I persuaded my GP to test my level was 8. My endo says to aim for at least halfway in range and is happy for me to stay on the ferrous fumarate for life. I'd previously reached just under halfway and switched to taking the iron every other day. My levels dropped like a stone. Taken over six months to go from 70 to 130 (range 10-290). Keep on it as takes time to feel better. Just like taking thyroid meds.

EmmaBull profile image
EmmaBull in reply to hose1975

Thanks for the reply that's helpful, just hope the headaches will improve

thyr01d profile image

Hi EmmaBull

Ferritin level 11 is not okay. Just had mine tested, result = 15, range for females is between 12 and, I think, 100, forgotten the top, but you and I need to raise our levels. Your 11 is below the bottom level.

EmmaBull profile image
EmmaBull in reply to thyr01d

Thanks did they put you on iron tablets? Did U feel poorly which is why they checked x

thyr01d profile image

Hi Emma

Yes, I have the symptoms of being hypothyroid even though on Levothyroxine, especially tiredness (diagnosed with ME as well which I doubt).

I asked to be checked because lots of the lovely people on here advise that we need our ferritin, folate, B12 and D3 levels to be optimal for the body to use T3. So, if we are medicated and blood tests results look fine to GP, it suggests there may be a problem with the thyroxine reaching the cells, which can happen when those vitamins (and I gathere selenium and vitamin A) are not at optimal levels.

No, not on iron tablets, sadly I feel rather let down by my GP because she told me to find myself a source of vegan iron. I've tried for nearly 5 weeks now with no success and I feel worse, dizzy and starting to fall as well as tired.

EmmaBull profile image
EmmaBull in reply to thyr01d

Exactly how I feel, I feel let down also I went about a completely different situation, to then be told my ferritin level is 11 and that there is a prescription waiting for me, and that I don't need an appointment just take the tablets! X

thyr01d profile image

Mmm, Emma, perhaps we feel this way because we are being let down, if you are in Gloucestershire I wonder if we have the same surgery.

I have today written a letter to my GP saying that I believe it is the NHS employees' responsibility to treat my low ferritin, not leave it to me to find a treatment and also saying that as I remain symptomatic on levo I would like the causes of remaining symptomatic when TSH and T4 blood levels are within range to be explored and as many excluded as possible and then to be offered treatment for those that remain.

No idea what will happen - I've tried to be clear that I feel the NHS is obstructing my return to health without being hostile or provocative.

Do you know why your ferritin is low?

Good luck in your journey.

mistydog profile image

Just to say that ferrous fumarate will constipate you. It's the cheap stuff that doctors dish out. If you can afford to buy some supplements yourself, try iron bisglycinate, you can try Solgar Gentle Iron, and that doesn't constipate. You still need Vit C with it (why GPs don't prescribe these things together I will never know), if you take it with a glass of orange juice is a good way to do it. Don't forget to take it 4 hrs away from your levo as it will inhibit absorption.

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