Hi! I'm new to this site and just wondered if anyone has used any of the private blood tests from the companies on the Thyroid UK website.
I have Hashimotos and tbh, haven't felt well for *years*. I get cross with myself as when I go to the GPs, brain fog or anxiety just leave me wanting to get in and get out. I once felt brave enough to bring up the problem of finding exercise excruciating since being diagnosed and leaving me with flu-like symptoms for days but was literally scoffed at, like "Yeah that's what all the fatties say...!" and was told then that she (my GP) wouldn't have put me on any medication for Hashimoto's as she thinks it will clear up.
So, hence the question about private blood tests really.
Has anyone used them? Did it result in a clearer set of results that meant different medication (I am wondering about NDT) and actually feeling "okay" for once?
Hope someone can help - any experience/thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
Heirloom x