Continued ( sorry hit wrong button)
According to the print off after the HbA1c the results state Normal no action required
There are comments then which say
Less than 58 mmol/mol control Good
58 - 74 mmol/mol control Moderate
75 mmol/mol or higher control Poor the lower the HbA1c, the lower the risk of diabetes complications. In undiagnosed patients a HbA1c result > 41 mmol/ml should be considered as high risk of having diabetes in accordance with WHO guidance.
Vitamin D (PR11685) - low vit d script. 46.6 nmol/L 50.00 - 125.00 nmo/L
Done complete course
Report Comments
Note new method for Vit D from 1/6/2015
Serum 250HD of 30-50 nmol/L may be inadequate in some people for guidance on treatment see
I am a bit dubious as thus page given by the doctor says pages one of two but I was only given the one page.
A prescription for vitamin D was left for me I.e. Hux D3 20,000 unit capsules which says take one three times per week. I really don't understand this as my doctor prescribed D3 for me approx three months ago which I gave been taking one in the morning and one at night as prescribed!
I would like to come off the thyroxine and try something different as I have been on this drug for the last ten years and don't feel well at all i,e. Chronic fatigue aches and pains, bad migraines, three stone in weight gain, depression, itchy skin, I could go on.
Someone please come back to me and confirm that my blood tests show there is something wrong.
Thank you in anticipation and frustration especially with the doctors