The left side of my face has been numb for 6 almost 7 months I've had a MRI of brain cat scan of brain and cat scan of neck and face thinking it could be magnesium
Can magnesium deficiency cause facial numbness? - Thyroid UK
Can magnesium deficiency cause facial numbness?
Has anyone mentioned Bell's palsy?
Could it be B12 ?
My facial numbness was caused by root nerve damage when a wisdom tooth was removed. Have you had any dental work done ?
My facial pain, which I had for many months, appeared to resolve when I took fairly regular 1000 microgram methlycobalamin. No proof of anything! I too had an MRI - nothing untoward found. Of course, pain and numbness are not the same thing but both are often caused by nerve issues.
Hi Low magnesium is unusual. Have a blood test for it , it has a tiny range and dangerous to over dose. If you need it then it should be on a script. However, fine to eat lots of magnesium rich food. Also worth having a blood done for potassium that is U`s and E`s as it affects potassium , also dangerous to take except under a doc.
My magnesium was very low before treatment and I never had the problems you describe.
Actually, most people are deficient in magnesium, because soils are depleted. But the blood test isn't much use because it only tells you what's in the blood, not what's in the cells. And the body is very good at keeping blood levels up to the detriment of the cells. That's why, when just going by blood tests, magnesium deficiency appears to be rare.
I have facial numbness at the moment. I have been told it is probably neuralgia. Neuralgia means the nerve is getting stressed. I have had painful neuralgia before 2 yrs ago. I had tests done before to identify the cause of pain but nothing was found. Now I have been diagnosed as Hypothyroid, my doctor thinks that the numbness is Vit B12 deficiency. I am waiting for blood test results.
I was diagnosed a year ago with trigeminal neuralgia and had pain in face and at other times numbness. After a b12 deficiency diagnoses I typed in Google b12 and neuralgia and up came research findings connecting both. My advice is get b12 checked
This might sound dumb and anecdotal, but for some reason it did help me when I had facial nerve damage from dentistry. Drink Gatorade. Yes, a guy I worked with told me he had a friend in high school that had facial numbness and Gatorade helped it. I tried it, and it most certainly did 'something'. I'd get this occasional buzz sensation, too. It all began to lessen. Today, albeit many years later it's gone and forgotten. The numbness and tingling went on for two years until he told me this. So yeah, perhaps it is the magnesium, but Gatorade really smoothed it all out, and it strangely enough helped.
More likely to be B12 deficiency, or Bell's Palsy or even Shingles.
But nutrients do work with each other so it's worth supplementing B12, magnesium and Vitamin D.
I had my b12 tested it was not very low like 736 out of a possible 800 vitamin d was 43 should be like 70 ferratin is very low like 24 dk if that can cause it
I have gotten something like that twice and it scared me to death. I thought I was having a stroke. The first time it wasn't really diagnosed. I just had to get past it. The second time I found out it was from a sinus infection in the center sinus of my forehead. I had no pain but the bacteria and swelling pressed on nerves and caused visual disturbances and creeping numbness. A 10 day course of augmentin cured it.
Hi it could well be magnesium but I used to get this and it was B vitamins. I now take a good B Complex 100 and it doesn't happen anymore. Also get your adrenals checked with a saliva test. Happy Christmas and I hope you get better in the New Year.