I have now been on low histamine for 4 weeks and finally I was able to get rid of my coughing. Now I have coughing episode once a week which passes fast, I figure the histamine keeps building up slowly during the week. I have had nasty coughing since June which I immediately connected to histamine as it first happened after eating tomato sauce. But I had no idea that the list of food can get so long for one to avoid to feel full benefits. But a bit over month ago I had a flu and the coughing got so bad that I was crawling on the floor gasping for air few times.
I really had to clean up ALL possible food from my diet raising my histamine levels. Took me a bit, but it was worth it.
My muscles were aching and weak, constant aching, especially my thighs which are already weak and bad, I was aching from left thigh upto my neck and that always ended up on getting headache. I was getting up every night to pee once or twice, was panicky , nausea, gut was irritated, I was cranky etc.
Unfortunately this does not fix my hashimoto itself, but hey it makes life more tolerable. One of the best things is that now those low blood sugar symptoms are lessened too.
Here is what I have eaten during past four weeks : (everything else has been no no for me , but I am hoping I can bring some food back into my diet at some point)
-Millet ( I know should be avoided with thyroid issues, but for me millet seems ok, dont eat it everyday anyways)
- Potatoes
- Apples
-Buckwheat pasta
- Gluten free oat
- Red meat (cooked after buying it and froze the rest in small portions)
-Chicken ( handled same way than red meat)
- Almonds
- turnips
- Water
Does not sound a lot does it? But I was feeling so awful that I would have eaten horse poo if it had helped.
I cannot say that I would have more energy, I am tired and exhausted as usual, but not so weak anymore, I can exercise a bit and the best things is that I can tolerate sauna, it does not make me feel sick anymore. I am not gasping for air and my heart has settled down, not racing wild.
I seemed to react bad to probiotics, found out that lactobacillus casei can rise histamine levels even though it boosts your immune system. I ordered bifidiobacterium longum which should break down histamine. Well whatever it is , bifidobacterium longum works for me. I take it before bedtime to empty stomach. Well it makes me gassy in the morning, but oh well my cats dont mind
I wanted to share this with you to remind that sometimes one has to go very far to get some results. Even if optimally medicated with persistent symptoms, histamine issues could be something to consider seriously. Being on low histamine diet does not mean one has to give up on everything for the rest of their lives. It is about finding the balance, whatever triggers histamine intolerance can possibly be fixed.
I did not buy DAO enzyme as the DAO I was recommended by a doctor contains corn, which is a big no no to me. Maybe I could have ordered some, but I already order so much stuff I did not feel like ordering one more bottle for now.