Is it true that NHS t3 is weak? I'm on t3 only but just experience a crash endo wants me to add armour at night as he believes that t3 short lived effectiveness is causing problems going without meds overnight don't know what to do
T3 only: Is it true that NHS t3 is weak? I'm on t... - Thyroid UK
T3 only
Bossbird, I don't think so but I can only compare it with Tiromel and find mcg for mcg they're the same. What time do you take your last T3 dose? I take mine morning and bed time.
The dose of T3 you are taking might be too low. A dose of T3 has to get into our receptor cells first, before its action begins which lasts between 1 and 3 days. It is not short-lived as your Endo thinks. He is confusing the issue of it being absorbed quickly into our blood stream against levothyroixne which has a long half life. Levo has to convert to sufficient T3
What dose did he prescribe of T3.
Armour contains all of the hormones our healthy thyroid gland would produce.
Endo suggested 40 7am the 2 more doses spread out of 30 and 20 but I'm currently taking 75 7am then 40 midday and 20 early evening but doesn't seem enough my temperature is 36.6 due to feeling unwell le do suggested armour 1 grain before bed but I really want to give t3 only a go so confused
I take T3 once daily. I follow Dr Lowe's advice. So you are taking 90mcg of T3 daily? If someone has something called Thyroid Hormone Resistance they do need a high dose.
I feel well and healthy on my once daily dose.
You are taking 90 mcg T3 (liothyronine) daily which is equal to around 270mcg of levothyroxine.
Personally, I don't know how people can figure out how to get to an optimum dose if they split. For instance I took 10mcg first of all then 2 weeks later 10mcg then 5mcg and so on, all the while keeping a watch on my pulse and temp and how I was feeling. When I took a bit too much my sleep was disturbed and heart beat faster and I reduced by one previous dose. My temp has risen from what it was on levo but stays around 36.5 but feel warm and well and have energy. This is an extract:
Third, the leaflet on Cytomel pharmacies give patients when they fill their prescriptions states, "POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: NO COMMON SIDE EFFECTS HAVE BEEN REPORTED with proper use of this medication." This information is accurate—when plain, full-strength, one-time-per-day doses of T3 are used properly, there are no adverse effects. The only adverse effects occur when a patient takes a dosage that for her is excessive. With Cytomel, if overstimulation occurs, it can be stopped with one or two small doses of propranolol. Or the patient can simply reduce her dosage of Cytomel the next time she takes it. I want to emphasize, however, that when our protocol is used properly, there is no overstimulation to be avoided by using timed-release T3. The protocol has safeguards against adverse effects.
And finally, why do I specify that the typical patient use one full dose of non-timed-release Cytomel for life? Because extensive testing has shown that this is safe, effective, and most economical—when used within the context of our entire protocol.
ps. Dr Lowe who had resistance took 150mcg once daily during the middle of the night so nothing interfered with the uptake.
Thank you very interesting I think I'm resistant where do you buy cytomel?
Recently we have seen many posts which mention cytomel without being clear what they mean. Solely in order to avoid any confusion, would you be good enough to clarify, please?
Do you mean Pfizer (formely King) branded Cytomel from the USA?
Do you mean absolutely any liothyronine tablet regardless of make?
Do you mean something else (e.g. you might need 20 microgram tablets, or some other requirement)?
Finally, do you mean with or without a prescription?
The references to Cytomel in shaws' post are to Pfizer/King Cytomel - largely because most of them are quotes from the prescribing information for that product.
Cytomel or Cynomel is T3 - just a brand name. If you wish to purchase, put up a new post asking for a Private Message to be sent to you.
Go to the end of the above page and you'll get info on non-uk liothyronine T3.
Thank you all I've heard that the brand cytomel is the best is all my endo says that t3 from France is about the best but need to find a supplier I can get a prescription no problem