My dr here in Sweden is basing my treatment on T4 results. The results of my test in August were:
FT4 19.8 (12.0 - 22.0)
FT3 4.6 (3.1 - 6.8)
TSH 7.22 (0.4 - 3.7)
Following this test he kept my dose at 100mcg with another test in 3 months even though TSH is still over range. As I'm not feeling too good I went to the drop-in yesterday and asked for a test and made an appointment to see dr on Friday to discuss the results. I want to ask him for a dose increase, but my question is - if I do get an increase and the T4 goes above the range is it going to do any harm?
I've posted my previous blood tests in case that helps.
Thank you very much for your time.