Just thought I would share - I have just got back from a very positive appointment with my GP. He is my named GP but I usually see other doctors in the practice who have dismissed me for ages. This GP took the time to go through my blood results and we sat and discussed thyroid treatment and the general ignorance of the medical profession! He knew all about T1 and T2 and agreed that nature would not have evolved to have this if it was not necessary somewhere in the body!
He was worried about my high antibody level but did not know what to do about it as my other results were fine. I suggested I could start NDT and explained that I had read about all the benefits on this site. He said he would check out the site as he knew he did not know enough, and would be interested in finding out more!!!!
He asked me if I would be willing to buy the NDT and then come back in 6 weeks for him to test the blood as he would be very interested in the results.
So off to find out where to buy. I floated out of that surgery - not only had I been listened to, my point of view understood and help promised in the future. Now to try and unfix the huge grin that seems to have got stuck on my face!