I just received my 23 and me test results. Can anyone give me some suggestions as to where I can get the raw data read so that it actually means something to me? Thanks.
23 and Me test results: I just received my 23 and... - Thyroid UK
23 and Me test results

I uploaded mine to GBhealthwatch (free). Go to that site and register, then on any page click on "connect genes".
Hello gusgrams,
Another member recently recommended knowyourgenetics.com
I haven't used this myself.
Hope this helps
You can download the raw data from clicking your Name from the top right. I analysed mine with Promethease.
also try labtestsonline.com - it's an HonCode website and at top of main page you choose which language you want. it starts off in language of country you are in anyway. I have all my computer search settings to Uk and English where I can.
also a free site, just register with them

It is not a "23" but a test done by the company "23 and me":
guysgrams is clearly looking further than the standard "Whart levels do I have?" and toards the "Why do I have these levels?"
Just wondered whether you'd recommend this test, I've been thinking about getting it done for a while. But then again maybe you don't know yet if you haven't found anything out yet !?!
It depends what health issues you have and what you want to use the results for. My nutritionist asked me to take the test so she could tailor my treatment, according to the results. You need someone to do this interpretation for you from the raw data, or use one of the programs suggested earlier. My profile showed that I had problems metabolising vit B12 and folic acid, so I've had to change my supplementation to take this into account.
No real health benefits - at least, so far. But for the sake of interest alone, it was worth doing.
The one obvious feature that was health-related is that I am a carrier of a haemochromatosis gene. Doesn't appear to affect carriers.
OK well I guess that's useful information in itself . Thanks and hope it helps you get on the right track.!