Hi. Is anyone able to help analyse these for me and whether they might account for some of my fatigue and also what I can do to resolve if so. Thanks
Adrenal Test Results: Hi. Is anyone able to help... - Thyroid UK
Adrenal Test Results

They are slightly on the low side but nothing too drastic. Have you had Vit D & Vit B12 checked or if you are on Thyroxine that it is at an optimal level?

Thanks Pauline, yes I have. They are a bit low but I am supplementing. Unfortunately I think it is my low ferritin that's the issue.

Optimal levels are, according to rt3-adrenals.org/cortisol_t...
• Morning at the top of the range - yours is 19 (7-30) so is 52.17% through range. It would be better nearer 25.
• Noon approximately 75% of the range - yours is 3.3 (2.1-14) so 10% through range and would be better nearer 11.
• Evening close to 50% of the range - yours is 1.7 (1.5-8) so 3.08% through range and would be better nearer 4.5.
• Nighttime at the bottom of the range - yours is a good result.
Your DHEA is low and may improve if cortisol levels are improved.
You are looking to raise the morning level slightly and the noon and evening levels quite a bit, so if you are going to try an adrenal glandular I would start low and take it slowly, repeating the test every 3 months to check levels.
I'm not sure whether these results would cause your fatigue but your low ferritin will but looking at your previous posts you already know this.
Thanks so much Susie, so they could definitely do with some work. Yes the ongoing ferritin saga, I am at a total loss about what to do with regards to that because of my high transferrin saturation.
so they could definitely do with some work.
A bit, but start with a low dose of adrenal glandular, your main aim is the noon one needs improving quite a bit, and the evening one a bit, your morning one isn't that bad and bedtime one is good. It's essential to keep an eye on your levels regularly.
Yes the ongoing ferritin saga, I am at a total loss about what to do with regards to that because of my high transferrin saturation.
It really needs to be food. My iron panel is good and my ferritin needs work. I gave up being a demi veggie (chicken and fish only, no red meat) for the sake of my ferritin and now eat liver regularly. Needs must, health first.