Hi all, thanks to all the advice on here I have been supplementing firstly with sublingual spray under the tongue which I then moved on to Jarrow's B12 sublingual tablets for a few months now. In June I decided to triple my intake to 3000 mcg per day and hey, all the worrying shooting pains in my legs (like hot pins and electrical currents) have subsided. At one point my GP mentioned that my symptoms sounded like MS and if they continued, she would have sent me for further tests.
I decided to start supplementing with Jarrow's B Right complex too and have now been taking this for just over a week. Since then, I have way more energy and many of my joint pains have lessened though not resolved.
Though I still have many peripheral neuropathy symptoms and trapped radial nerves in both my wrists (Wartenberg syndrome - nerve conduction tests evidence and consultant diagnosis) and numbness in my feet (my deficiency was 284) I am hopeful that I will at least maintain this improvement, if not continue to improve. I just wish it would improve my arthritic shoulder and neck symptoms! In fact, the consultant thought the improvement with the B12 was excellent and recommended I continue for the foreseeable future.
Can anyone advise on how long I should continue to take the B complex for? I am concerned that some posts I have read suggest that certain B vitamins taken over a long time are not good for you. I think B3 or B6 may lead to the symptoms I am hoping to resolve?? Would the levels in the Jarrow's formula need to be reigned in soon?
Thanks in advance,