Hey, I am currently 4 weeks pregnant with my second. I developed thyroiditis during my first pregnancy which was detected a few months after giving birth. I was originally overactive but then it turned into underactive and I've been on thyroxine for about 18 months
I had a routine thyroid check a few weeks ago (before pregnant) and my tsh level had dropped to 0.47 which is at the low end of the normal range
My doc told me to have another test soon as I fell pregnant which I had 2 days ago. Just discovered my tsh is now 0.05 which is lower than normal range. My doc says this suggests I need to reduce my thyroxine amount but isn't going to do anything yet and wants me to have another blood test in 3 weeks
Is this ok? I am worried that by having a low tsh level it could effect my pregnancy?
Anyone have a have experience of this- ive heard of tsh levels increasing in pregnancy and therefore needing more thyroxine but not the other way round