If you know where I can get hydrocortisone without a prescrip, please private-message me. The situation is that I am trying to assist a woman here in the U.S. who is on SSDI (disability) and has been kicked in the teeth by the Medicaid system. She currently has no doctor, no immediate hope of getting one, and a Medicaid M.D. probably wouldn't help her with HC anyway. She has almost no money and is in danger of becoming homeless. She responds in an atypical, negative way to increased dosage of T3 and NDT; the T4-equivalent dose is well below her full replacement dose for her weight. We want to try HC using the Jefferies protocol (less than 20mg per day) to see if she will feel better, which will tell us that her adrenals are creating the problem because they are hypo.
I have asked her to test cortisol first with either a 24-hour urine or 4-sample saliva test, but she is so weak and exhausted, that she won't go there.
This situation is occurring in Phoenix, Arizona. If you know of any resources there which might help with this problem, please let me know what they are.