Hi, I know from being on here lots that low or high cortisol effects t3 take up in the cells and low t3 can also effect cortisol production, but is there any evidence, research or anything I could use to validate this point of view when I see an endo next week?
Any research or evidence on how cortisol interr... - Thyroid UK
Any research or evidence on how cortisol interrupts t3 take up?

I mean that validates the close interrelationship of these two hormones?
I too would like to know. If anyone could throw some light on the interaction between cortisol and T3 it would be very much appreciated.
Some discussion on this on: healthunlocked.com/thyroidu...
Thanks the discussion reiterates what I've heard here but as it started with an endo saying he couldn't understand why the t3 wasn't getting into cells despite knowing the patient had high cortisol emphasises to me that what is needed is a credible source that an NHS endo will be forced to consider. What I want to know is what is the source of these ideas, are there any credible research papers? 😊
It may not answer your question, but I thought it was tangentially related and interesting.
Apparently, high cortisol damps down production of TRH and TSH. So someone with high cortisol and hypothyroid symptoms may be more hypothyroid than the TSH would suggest. Sadly this is just an abstract, but it does list references too :
Thanks I'll take a look - the abstract is fine, I can't see an endo reading more can you? Ha ha
this was in the references: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi...
something to do with cortisol and t3 interaction, again only the abstract. Thanks for the lead
Are you more interested in high cortisol or low cortisol?
I also found this - looks interesting but your endo may consider the source to be dodgy - A Review Of Natural And Neutraceutical Therapies For Clinical Practice :
It does have some pretty pictures, and has loads of references.
I'm finding more interesting papers by referring to hypercortisolism and hypocortisolism in my searches, rather than "high cortisol" and "low cortisol". I'm also trying to search for these terms in connection with "triiodothyronine" rather than T3. But what I'm mostly getting back is loads of stuff about Cushing's and Addison's. Bah!
Thank you! I have low cortisol, but I am extrapolating that any cortisol interaction with T3 indicates the two have a significant relationship to one another.
the last one is interesting because it relates to m.e/cfs (which I have) too an dis more easily readable. What I really want is something that shows that low cortisol will interupt t3 take up, meaning you need to take cortisol in order to get T3 into the cells. Hard to process some of this stuff when so ill! thank you for your help.