I am thinking of getting my cortisol and RT3 levels tested. I have just started taking 5mcg T3 daily (prescription from endo) in addition to the 100mcg T4 that I have been taking for a couple of years. Should I wait till I've been on T3 for a little while before doing these tests?
The T3 has been making me feel pretty tired so far (only taken it for 3 days) and this morning my vision went blurry, which I've never had on T4. Anyone else have symptoms like this to start with? I felt shattered all day when I took T4 and T3 together in the morning, but better yesterday afternoon/evening when I took the T3 at 1pm. However I feel tired again this morning!
I am worried the T3 is causing my T4 to convert to RT3, and that I may have had RT3 problems to start with. I also think my cortisol/adrenals are messed up because I have a supressed TSH (0.01), but low-ish levels of T4 (16.2) and T3 (4.6). Also my T3 dropped from 4.6 to 3.1 when I trialled night-time T4 dosing despite the fact my T4 went up from 16.2 to 17.8. I can only think this is an RT3 problem, perhaps caused by an increase in cortisol my body is not used to?
I supplement the necessary vitamins and my levels are getting to where they should be. Just need to get folate and iron up a little more.
I don't have high antibodies so no Hashimoto's. I suffered with an eating disorder for about 15 years which really messed up my metabolism and I can't help wondering if my thyroid problems are actually secondary to that. I've been recovered for a few years but the damage might be lasting...
Advice would be much appreciated.