I have found a uk supplier of T3 with a good price, and was wondering whether they were any good, however, I dont want to post the details online. Any help?
T3: I have found a uk supplier of T3 with a good... - Thyroid UK

Hi can you Pm me who is it?

Any UK supplier of T3 (and it seems obvious that you mean without a prescription) is breaking the law. Supplying prescription-only medicines without a prescription is a serious offence.
I would not trust anyone who would blatantly break the law in that way. If the possibility of several years in gaol doesn't stop them in their tracks, then I really don't see relatively tame consumer protection legislation having any bite whatsoever. Do you have any protection whatsoever against being supplied counterfeit product?
(There is another possiiblity. The supplier is only pretending to be in the UK. It is quite easy for people to set up websites that give a strong impression that they are based in the UK when they are actually not in the UK.)
As Helvella says, it's illegal to supply T3 without prescription from the UK. However, if what you have found is a supplier from another country who ships to the UK - PM me as I've used a few of them and I can tell if it is one I have used.
if you mean a UK pharmacy who will supply with a UK private prescription, if you make that clear, I'm sure people will tell you if that pharmacy is reliable.
Are you sure it's really T3 and not some form of thyroid 'support' that contains raw bovine thyroid gland? Sorry, not insulting your intelligence, but they can be really sneaky in the way they advertise things.
Ah thought so, thanks for all your advice. Not much info on site:
Dose: Two capsules taken 2-3 times per day.
Provides: 300 mg. of Gum Guggul extract.
Benefits: Non-stimulant thyroid & metabolic booster.
How did you get on in Cyprus?