As a former patient of the late Dr Skinner, I urge anyone to read this article.
Thank You
22. Do not solicit members to other websites or forums for your own purposes either via posts or the messages system.
As a former patient of the late Dr Skinner, I urge anyone to read this article.
Thank You
22. Do not solicit members to other websites or forums for your own purposes either via posts or the messages system.
I've been following the replies to this blog which have been coming in all day - some of them are heart breaking
Yes there are seriously ill people looking for answers it's high time they got them, and unless sites like this join the many other sites in the UK and world wide that we are not allowed to mention on here, in order to stand up to the system for folk to get the treatment they need.
TraceyjC, I'm confused at what you are saying here. This support forum was set up and is maintained by the charity ThyroidUK who are always working towards improving things for thyroid patients.
ThyroidUK has researchers on their team, with recently published thyroid research papers that are helping to move things forward (albeit slowly of course). Johannes W. Dietrich, Rudolf Hoërmann and John Midgley.
John Midgley is a member of this forum too. You might find his posts of interest
There is another thread with ongoing discussion about Malcolm Kendrick's article here
I read this article yesterday. Amazing truths by this doctor. He should go far.......
I read it too. Great stuff and very clearly explained. Let's just hope Dr Kendrick does not get hounded as Dr Skinner was. I was also a patient of his and miss him very much.
At the moment there is no cause for anyone to hound Dr Kendrick (not sure that will stop some elements in the medical profession though). As far as I know he is a GP who treats hypothyroidism just like everyone else. He hasn't yet gone out on a limb, he is just writing about thyroid problems.