Blood test results
Hi everyone,
I've been diagnosed with hypothyroidism since 2011. Family history mother, Aunty and sister.
Initially starting on a low dose of levothyroxine 25mg...
Fast forward 4 years and I'm now taking 200mg.
My last blood test results are from Nov 2014 when I was taking 175mg ( I decided to increase my dose to 200mg after these results
Here are the results from that last blood test (Nov 2014) on 175mg at this stage.
Free T3 3.75 ref 2.63-5.70
Free T4 16.33 ref 9.01-19.05
TSH 0.06 ref 0.35-4.94
T3 1.29 ref 0.89-2.44
T4 93 ref 63-151.
Now the reason I increased my dosage was even though they are in the normal ranges I was feeling really tired and lethargic still.
I increased my dosage in dec 2014 and till around March I felt amazing so much more energy and everything.
However now I'm feeling rubbish again I'm not sure if I'm taking too much thyroxine or not enough but 200mg is a large dose.
I asked the Dr at the last blood test if I could be put on T3 as well, but he told me it's not available here ( I live in Hong Kong)
I was on 150mg till March 2014 and the Dr told me to increase it
Blood test results from March 2014
Free T3 3.18 ref 3.50-6.50
Free T4 18.80 ref 11.50-22.70
TSH 5.13 ref 0.35-4.78
After increasing to 175mg here are my results from June 2014
Free T3 4.80 ref 3.50-6.50
Free T4 21.18 ref 11.50-22.70
TSH 0.04 ref 0.35- 4.78
I then had the blood test done in nov 2014 ( see top of this post)
What I want to know is how come my results from June were much higher than my results from nov even though I was taking the same dosage of 175mg?
I'm sick of feeling great one minute than totally crap the next.
I'm considering going to a naturopath/homeopath but before I spend the money is there anything else I need to consider?
I know I need to get another blood test done after being on 200mg but looking at the results so far is my T3 on the low side?
Many thanks
S x