Hi all,I am in th Hinckley Leicestershire area of the uk. Can anyone out there recommend a good understanding doctor in the area please for Hypothyroidism......Perhaps a good idea might be to create a list on this site for different areas???
Recommend a good Thyroid Doctor: Hi all,I am in... - Thyroid UK
Recommend a good Thyroid Doctor

Hi Henry, I'm also in Leicestershire and have suffered with what I now understand to be Hypothyroid symptoms, have done for about 9 years.
During this time I have been to endocrine in both LRI and Leic General where neither 'recognised' the problem. The third attempt to get diagnosed is very recent and I've requested the blood tests suggested on this forum - the GP has revealed that Leicestershire DO NOT test for T3 as a primary investigation test.
With this in mind perhaps you could aim for Warwickshire as its on your doorstep.... and let me know how you get on!! Sorry couldn't be more help.
Hi Henry. Such a list exists and is available from Thyroid UK but you will not see many (practically none in fact) Midlands addresses on it. Your best bet is going private if you can (Spires hospital in Leicester and Nottingham I believe has an endocrinologist) and they will test for T4 and antibodies. What Jon said about not testing T3 is true as my GP requested T4 and T3 tests recently but the lab refused to do them so the only way to get these results is private testing (see Thyroid UK for labs that do it for the whole of UK).
I saw Dr Patel at the Elliot very good did lots of other bloods as well. Hope you get to see someone who helps you
This is a USA site, but it has a recommended list of doctors including the UK:
Maybe someone with IT knowhow (not me unfortunately), should set up an international data base listing good supportive doctors! It might just make the medical profession sit up and take note if they knew there was such a list!
If you ever find one please let me know! I am in Hinckley too. Which Drs surgery do you use?
Hiya Turtle,i am at the Hollycroft surgery but as they dont seem to keep regular drs its a struggle.One min a good sympathetic dr is there and then they are gone.Who are you with?