Does the gluten free diet help thyroid problems - Thyroid UK

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Does the gluten free diet help thyroid problems

1072 profile image
33 Replies

Can anyone tell me if the gluten free diet is a good way to go am hearing bad reports about would appreciate your thoughts thanks

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1072 profile image
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33 Replies
Marz profile image

Lots of earlier posts about Gluten and Thyroid. What are the bad reports - I can think of plenty of good ones :-)

1072 profile image
1072 in reply to Marz

Thanks marsz I have just been told that it's a fad diet and its not as good as it is cracked up to be, well I will be trying it I have nothing to lose just wanted feed back from people who have experienced the diet thanks again marz

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to 1072

Perhaps these people should follow Dr Datis Kharrazian - his book Why Isn't My Brain Working - explains how gluten molecules can cause inflammation in the brain by penetrating the blood brain barrier :-( It was enough to send me GF !! Wheat just ain't what it used to be ! Sadly it did not reduce my anti-bodies so am now considering going dairy that will be hard for me :-(

Hope you feel better soon...

1072 profile image
1072 in reply to Marz

Thanks again marz well when u think of it u r going to hear good and bad about every topic but I have been reading peoples stance on this site and the more am reading the more I want to try it I need to do something I appreciate you getting back to me thankyou

Roadrunnergreg profile image

Best diets for thyroid n gut issues is vegetarian or Paleo, so guess the simple answer is yes gluten free

1072 profile image
1072 in reply to Roadrunnergreg

Thanks roadrunnergreg I will be trying it anyway no matter what i need to try something just wanted to know your thoughts

humanbean profile image

I am a recent convert to a gluten free diet. Best thing I ever did!

1072 profile image

Thanks humanbean am glad you seeing results will defo be giving it a go

Ali72 profile image

I have started on a gluten diet, be prepared for the withdrawal it can be pretty horrible for some people and it certainly knocked me sideways. Good luck xx

1072 profile image
1072 in reply to Ali72

Thankyou Ali72 have u been doing it long and do u stick to it 24/7 u see I do eat sensible 6 days a week then have a cheat day can u do the same on the gluten free, its just am not getting any head way with my tiredness and am hoping this will boost my energy levels

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to 1072

It is completely, utterly and absolutely pointless having "cheat days" with regard to gluten-free diet.

"Cheat days" can only make sense when it is quantity that is the issue, not when it is fundamental properties of the actual substances that are being avoided.

1072 profile image
1072 in reply to helvella

No worries hevella I don't know much about it I need to look into it more but I need to do something as I exercise 4 times a week as well and symptoms r still the same

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to 1072

Could be that the exercise is your problem. Exercise uses up your T3, and if you haven't got enough to begin with, you are going to get more hypo. Exercise is definately not the answer to everything!

As to gluten-free, most people go gluten-free to lower their antibodies. Are you Hashi's? I am, and I tried gluten-free but even after 3 months, it did nothing for me, so I went back to gluten. But it could be because I live in France, and food is different here. It hasn't been industrialised the way it has in the UK and the US.

1072 profile image
1072 in reply to greygoose

Thanks for your post grey goose I haven't been diagnosed with hashi's or stomach problems I was only diagnosed with thyroid in November, just b4 I had it I could loose weight no problem,I started on 50 levo, then told my doctor I still wasn't loosing weight put me up to 100 levo last week, I don't want to give up exercise as I have been doing most of my life and I can be abit tired at times just wanted to try a different avenue to see if it helps

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to 1072

Yes, I understand that. But what is the point of exercising if it makes you ill? When you are hypo, the rules change, your body is not the same and you have to adapt. Just make sure that you Don't over-do it. If you are exhausted the next day and fit for nothing, then you have over-done it.

Did your doctor really increase you from 50 to 100 in one go??? It should have been 25 by 25 incréments. That huge rise could have had an effect on you because it stresses the body.

I perfectly understand that before you were hypo you could lose weight and now you can't. That's the case with most people (not with me because I've always been hypo! lol). And it was very considerate of your doctor to give you a rise, but what he should be doing is checking your level of T3. Because if that is too low, you won't be able to lose weight. And if you aren't converting there's no point in shovelling in more T4 because it will just pool and make you ill.

Have you had your B12, vit D, folate and iron and ferritin tested? Because if any of these aren't optimal, you won't convert correctly, so will be low in T3 and will continue to put on weight.

1072 profile image
1072 in reply to greygoose

Yes he did change me from 50 to 100 everyone has a good understanding of this illness I don't to be honest with u can the doctor even give u t3 I thought the levo was a mixture of both I do use a multivitamin incase there is things I am low in against thanks for getting back to me greygoose

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to 1072

No, Levo is just T4. Doctors can prescribe T3 but rarely do because it's so expensive. But you could always ask. Although, personally, I would ask for the tests first.

A multivitamin is just for maintenance. It isn't going to do you any good if you have an actual deficiency because there's not enough of anything in it. For example, it might give you 2 mcg of cynobalamin when what you actually want is 7000 mcg of methylcobalamin (B12). It probably has folic acid when what you need is methylfolate. And it probably has iodine which you Don't want at all!

Far better to get tested and treat your deficiencies one by one at a decent dose.

1072 profile image
1072 in reply to greygoose

It's a joke that everything come down to money alot of people are not being treated right because of this and with other illness to wrong on some many levels I live in Belfast northern Ireland and I don't know if u can get t3 on Perscription I think u can buy it but I wouldn't want to self medicate then a lot of people r suggesting ndt, just don't know what route to go down

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to 1072

Oh, I know! It's scandalous that they care more about money than human lives!

You know, when it comes to thyroid, everything is a question of trial and error. I wasn't doing well on T4 only, so found an endo that would prescribe some T3 with it. Still wasn't good. Then another doctor insisted I go onto Armour. It really didn't suit me. So, I tried all the different brands of NDT and just got worse and worse. T3 only is the best I've tried so far. Even so, I'm nowhere near the person I used to be.

We're all so different that nobody - not even a doctor - can tell you what you're going to do well on (although doctors think they can!) We just have to try things for ourselves and see how it goes. And if doctors won't play ball, we are obliged to do it ourselves if we want to get well.

You've got lots of people here that can help and guide you. We won't let you down. You can ask for advice every step of the way. But in the end, it's down to you and what you're willing to try to regain your health. :)

1072 profile image
1072 in reply to greygoose

You have been brilliant grey goose really appreciate your help and advice can't thankyou enough I have a long road a head of me but its good to know there is people out there that is willing to help

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to 1072

You're welcome, 1072. Take care.

WobblyX profile image
WobblyX in reply to greygoose

Useful definition for how to know when I've overdone it greygoose Will be keepin this in mind!

Ali72 profile image

That's what I thought too. I have only been doing it for nearly three weeks I think. It is such a hard diet because it seems to be in everything. Years ago I did do eliminate it but not with the supplements I am on now. I am lactose intolerant, And apparently they go hand in hand. I don't think you can have a cheat day, you will need to maybe have aread about this because I think it takes so long to get out of the system and if you have a cheat day you will be back to square 1.

My advice is do it gradually, I wish I had, my withdrawal was the worst, at least I think that was what it was, who knows. Xx

Tenko profile image

I have just replied to another thread on here advocating the gf diet. I was diagnosed as coeliac just after being told I have Graves. I have found the diet really easy but maybe that's because I know that I will cause serious damage to my gut if I 'cheat' so I really have no option. I am vegetarian too, not for moral reasons, I have just never liked meat. There is a substitute for virtually everything now. I love the seeded gf breads and for biscuit lovers you can get custard creams, bourbons, digestives etc. gf pasta and pizza is fine and there are even ready meals these days. I haven't even found it to be more expensive as I don't waste anything.

I never actually had any symptoms of Coeliacs and I would never have known if it wasn't for the fact that I had read that there is often a link between thyroid problems and coeliac.

1072 profile image

Thanks tenko u see I do eat sensible I haven't been diagnosed with any stomach problems am was starting it because I was told it was good for thyroid I can't lose weight and and I do exercise I thought it was like any other diet you eat sensible all week them u can treat yourself at the end of it b4 I was diagnosed with thyroid weight loss was never a problem it is just frustrating the hard work u put in and see nothing from it, I didn't realise if u had a cheat day on the gf diet it cancelled everything as I don't know much about it thankyou for replying to my post

Marks & Spencer have a new gluten free range which is brilliant. You don't have to give anything up, it all tastes great. Look on the bread section, whole range if bread, biscuits, crumpets etc etc. Three/fiur vatieties pasta, all are good. then in cold chill section there are fish cakes & chicken/mushroom patties a ll with gluten free coating. I'm hoping they will extend it. I've been gluten free about 3 weeks, feel much better and weight is slowly going. I'm sticking with it. It's good for adrenals, big improvement here too.

1072 profile image
1072 in reply to Flowerpower_nafas

Thanks flower power for this information I never thought of marks and spencers will have a look at it, from what am seeing in these posts it the way to go again thanks for getting back to me

I decided to change to gluten free as I was having stomach problems, I can't fault it and feel so much better. I think that as with everything, one size doesn't fit everyone. It's worth a try and if it doesn't work you haven't lost anything. I now find that after 2 years without gluten, I can occasionally eat something with gluten without too much harm done.

1072 profile image
1072 in reply to

Thanks Wednesday for your post am just looking other options I don't have hashi's or anything just want to try to get my energy levels up I was always for healthy eating but I do also believe that u have to treat yourself once a week well for me anyway to keep a balance I didn't realise if you had one day were u eat gluten it would cancel all the week out I actually read it could be dangerous if you do that

BeansMummy profile image

1072 - I resisted going gluten-free for ages because I didn't want to do it at all, despite lots of recommendations on this site and elsewhere. I wasn't having stomach problems, but I just felt so generally unwell all the time, and wanted to do whatever I could to help myself. I've been gluten-free since last summer now.

My (new) endocrinologist was actually supportive when I told her, and even put that in writing to my GP. You have nothing to lose by trying it.

1072 profile image
1072 in reply to BeansMummy

Thanks beansmummy you r right I don't have anything to lose so I am going to give it ago it's trail and error it has done a lot for people and some haven't had any benefit from it I won't know until I do it thanks for your post

penny profile image

The thought of going gluten-free..ugg. My husband is wheat intolerant and allergic to dairy. Over the years his tolerance of wheat has increased and he is fine with spelt flour. I make everything using spelt (and gluten-free flour if I feel like it), i.e. in a Victoria sponge. We have found that lactose-free products are fine for him and this means that I can make absolutely everything: chocolates, flans, pizzas, cakes and pies.

It might be worth trying spelt flour and lactose-free products first to see if this helps before cutting out gluten and dairy. Not that I am an expert and eat everything anyway. It is easier for me as I cook a lot and do not buy ready-made meals so that I know all the ingredients.

1072 profile image

Thanks very much penny I will have a look, you see I can eat gluten it's just I want to try to lose weight and get more energy and a lot of people r recommending the gf diet, I have been looking at other ideas it's just going to be trial and error till I find something that helps but I will look at that option to and again thanks for getting back to me

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