I'm on vacation and can't find gluten free food. Does a little gluten (bread, cake) destroy my gluten free diet? If so for how long? I'm back home in 2 weeks and will resume my gluten free diet. What are the consequences of occasional lapses into gluten foods? My TPO (latest 273, was 120) and TG (latest 475, was 500) antibodies results had been increasing which caused me to start a gluten free diet. Am getting blood tested again in 2 weeks.
Are Hashis allowed a little gluten?: I'm on... - Thyroid UK
Are Hashis allowed a little gluten?

At first glance at your heading I thought you were referring to a banned substance
Someone who is following 'gluten free' should respond. In the meantime this is a list.
...it could well you set you back on the journey of gut healing. I find it easier on holiday - you can choose from a menu rather than just the fridge Just stick to things that grow !!
do not under any circumstances have any gluten it will just set you back to where you were before. I have just received my blood test results. Last year i was diagnosed with TPO/Hashi's and my reading then was 120 in a range of 0-60, so well over. After research I went on gluten and lacto free diet. Today my result, same range, was 13 !!! No wonder I feel better!
Wow how wrong I was to think it might be ok to have gluten now and again. Thanks for stopping me lapse back into very bad habits. My gut healng is more important than a doughnut. It is encouraging to hear that I might be able to get my antibodies lower. There's hope.
Adam, Gluten free is all or nothing. A little gluten can set back gut healing for months. G-f isn't helpful to all Hashi patients though and doesn't always reduce antibodies. If it isn't helpful after 2/3 months there's no point in continuing with it.
Big problem with statements like "if gluten free isn't helping" I would say you need to apply some caution. No offence, Clutter! (I'm really not meaning any!)
But how do you know it's not helping unless you have regular antibody screens and actual evidence in front of you? You can have gluten issues and not have abdominal pains or irritable bowel movements. It can wreck your nutritional absorption but show no outward signs that that's what it's doing. The same goes for other food stuffs that are known to affect autoimmune patients.
So, please Adam10 on vacation, don't throw it all away on a little gluten!
Thanks Donna8077. I'll use the Glutafin chrcklist and
And give up doughnuts. I plan to have blood screens to check TPO and TG readings but note the GP and insurers are wary of too regular testing. Which is more important, TPO or TG? Sorry for so many questions.
TPO seems to be more common and I think is more likley associated with Hashi's whereas Tg I think is more associated with Graves, but you can have both!
If GP won't test you can get a pinprick test through private blood tests with Blue Horizon. Go through TUK website and there is £10 off the test for members. I just ordered a test because they (GP and hospital) won't check my T3, so they will test Ft3, Ft4 and Tsh
Maybe I was one of those lucky ones who, being on GF diet, has reduced his Anti tpo. The first anti tpo blood test showed 600. The second one 230 and the following five tests were almost zero. The other test I made was a IgG anti gliadin test which went down from 7 to 2 (ref 0-10), so I guess GF is good for me.