Attended my Gp for years with all the symptoms of hypothyroid but of course tsh fell within normal range so i was dismissed. Talking to a friend she recommended an endo who I visited Aprivately, he was wonderful. He said he treats symptoms not blood results anyway he started me off on 50mg T4 which did nothing, he upped it to 75mg T4 again nothing. He added in 20mg T3 and instantly I started to feel better.
I asked could he transfer me to his NHS list as I was stabilised which he did, so im not seeing him until Jan. Anyway over the last few weeks I had started to feel rubbish again(all hypo symptoms returning) so I upped my T3 to 30mg and I have to say I am starting to improve, energy returning, memory better etc.
My Gp who is annoyed that I went over his head requested bloods and he has phoned me to say I'm toxic which I have no idea what he means. As I am not seeing endo until Jan I was hoping you guys can shed some light on results. All I know is that I feel good , I do know not to take too much as I have experienced hyper symptoms not nice!!! I have dropped my T4 to 50mg and I am concerned my endo will be peeved at my self medicating.
Tsh <0.02
T4 17
T3 10.1
I do experience the odd heart palpatation but other than that Im good. I have loads of energy, my hair and nails are improving, my voice is not longer husky and crackly, I'm losing weight after 4 years of constant diets, my memory and concentration are sharper and I finally feel human. My endo said its likely I have hashimotos and I also have ms.