Just been diagnosed with Overactive thyroid... It's really getting me down because my eyes are bulging and I'm slowly going bald. Will my hair ever grow back and eyes recover after some sort of treatment??
Overactive thyroid: Just been diagnosed with... - Thyroid UK
Overactive thyroid

If your eyes are noticeably bulging then you need to be referred to an opthalmologist for treatment as soon as possible.
In the meantime try using some additive free dry eye drops, you can also try soaking a face cloth in warm water, squeezing it out and holding it over your eyes, that makes them feel better but if they are bulging you really need to be seen.
My hair fell out when I was given Carbimazole for too long and I went from being hyper to hypo in a very short time. Once I was on the correct dose of thyroxine it started to come back.
Have you been diagnosed with Graves - overactive with antibodies?
No the doctor hasn't even mentioned Graves' disease, just Overactive thyroid . I only got diagnosed last week and I'm seeing a specialist next week so should hopefully know more. But my eyes are deffinately bulging and there feels like there is a lot of pressure behind them. Also my eyes seem to stream for no apparent reason.
Your eyes must be quite dry then. For some weird reason dry eyes water a lot. once you put eye drops in that should pretty much stop.
You can buy gel tears, Visco tears - I like stuff called HycoBak, put them in loads of times throughout the day not just morning and night - I keep bottles in all my bags and pockets
No one mentioned Graves to me until after three months at my first endo visit the guy said something to me and I said ' what, you mean like in Graves?' And he pointed to me and said 'yes!Graves! That's what you've got, Graves' I came away with the distinct feeling that had I not asked he wouldn't even have mentioned the 'G' word.
Take care when you are driving - I came to be diagnosed after I nearly killed myself in the car one night, I knew I wasn't right so next morning it was a visit to my doctor, day after that was blood tests and third day I got a phone call to say to pick up my Carbimazole because I had a very overactive thyroid with antibodies.
If you can't / don't take time off work then try and get as much rest as you can.
Try a nice hot squeezed out face cloth over your eyes tonight, it feels great.
Thank you seems like there could be a light at the end of the tunnel.. I'm also suffering with severe headaches. I'm hoping they can fast track me to some sort of treatment because I work on the roads and it's a struggle, I do t like the sound of that radiation pill tho, sounds scary.
I've been on carbimazole 5mg for about a week now and seem to have any affect. I mostly work with car crashes so rarely work with tar etc..
Thyroid Eye Disease and Hyperthyroidism (what you have been diagnosed with) are two separate conditions and should therefore be looked after as suggested above, preferably Moorfields. Some hospitals have a Moorfields Eye Hospital on site.
I have read that some only have one episode of hyperthyroidism but if it should reoccur there is no reason not to have the same treatment quite a few times.
I am glad you are beginning to settle down with your treatment. We have to read and learn a lot of things in order to get well and keep well. Members who have been in your situation will be happy to give support and advice on how they were treated.
I was overactive and was told I would have to have a thyroidectomy, which went well so dont worry.
Hi, I also have Graves (in remission since 03/2012) and my main symptom was terrible headaches. These went away immediately after starting treatment, so I hope yours will go away as well.
You should try to get time off, as this is a serious condition which requires a lot of rest in the beginning. I continued working and I still don't know why… I'm self-employed so I could have stopped, but somehow at the time work kept me from crashing completely. Now I've learnt to rest from time to time
All the best, look after yourself! And try to read a lot about Graves, so you can ask important questions when you see your endocrinologist and ophthalmologist.