Dental woes - can it get any worse?: I've been... - Thyroid UK

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Dental woes - can it get any worse?

19 Replies

I've been absolutely floored by an dental infection so today got checked out by my holistic dentist.

Not good news and the choice is between having root canal treatment (I said I would never have this done again) or the tooth removed which would be noticeable.

Dentist thought it not a good idea to have a titanium implant in view of the fact that I've felt so much better since having a mouthful of amalgams removed.

Has anyone had a dental implant fitted since becoming hypo? Would be very interested to hear any experiences and what the implant is made from.


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19 Replies
galathea profile image

I haven't had any dental inplants p, but I have had many root canals and quite a lot of crowns and bridges.

( I have had probably 30 dental abcesses... going back to when I was about 12, - previous to this I used to get them in my inner ear)

Without doubt, the best most long lasting thorough root canals have been the ones undertaken by endodontists who specialise in this sort of thing. I don't always have them filled with amalgam, the last one was filled with a hot, liquid rubber solution..... Not cheap at around £750 each plus the cost of the crown ....

Last year, I had to have a toothe removed which was supporting a bridge, because it had just crumbled..... I was thinking about going for an inplant but the dentist persuaded me to have a valplast flexible denture... I was sceptical. But agreed, I have lost two lower pre molars. The denture is brilliant, I am totally impressed. It clips into place, doesn't move and can be re shaped to fit by dropping it into hot water. I can chew sweets and eat crunchy stuff..... There are no metal clips or plate. If a bridge is not an option, try the valplast denture before you go for an inplant.....

G x

in reply to galathea

Thanks for your reply galathea and sorry to hear that you've experienced a huge amount of dental problems.

That denture sounds interesting and you're obviously not restricted with foodstuff.

It's hard enough dealing with a thyroid condition, let alone dental treatments!

Fed_up profile image
Fed_up in reply to galathea

Thank you for your input

I was wondering why I have had so much trouble with mouth ulcers

I like the sound of the. "Flexible " denture as I'm having an awful time with conventional ones

If your so-called holistic dentist wants to do a root canal, find another dentist. Look up health risks of root canals and you will see why

in reply to

No, he doesn't do them but told me that my options are root canal or have it removed. He knows what I think about root canal treatment. Last year I experienced RCT that became infected and the tooth was removed.

claudiasmum profile image

I don't have an implant but have been in constant pain since having two teeth removed and a bridge fitted so have the utmost sympathy and hope you manage to find the best solution.

I was wondering if undertreated hypothyroidism and dental problems were somehow connected as I have been nine times to the dentist in the months that my thyroid dose was cut last.

in reply to claudiasmum

claudiasmum - that's a lot of visits you've made! I don't understand why you're in pain, what does your dentist say about this? Presumably you followed instructions re what to do when teeth have been removed?

I've always needed regular treatment so just assume it's how I'm made.

claudiasmum profile image
claudiasmum in reply to

Dentist says nothing except that it could be an exposed nerve and to rub sensodyne toothpaste into the gums and GP sent me to a neurologist who wasn't interested and just said it was "empty socket syndrome" and if it became unbearable they could refer me to a specialist myofacsial pain clinic in London. The extractions themselves healed perfectly but seem to have had a knock on effect and the pain started a couple of weeks later. The pain is in my jaw and ear as well as my teeth over one side.

It is very wearing.

dina7 profile image
dina7 in reply to claudiasmum

It sounds as if you could have a cavitation infection claudiasmum.

I also wonder if there's a connection between dental problems and thyroid. I had nine teeth extracted a couple of years ago, several had been root filled and I had constant infections - and was told my thyroid medication wouldn't work properly until they were removed.

I discovered that one of my bridges was nickel (which I'm allergic to, but wasn't told that's what was being put in my mouth) and that I had several different metals in my mouth which, according to Faraday's law, is bad news.

Having to wear two dentures is, for me, a very fair exchange for the five to six days a week of headaches I used to have.

Root canals puzzle me as some people seem to do well with them. But I suspect they are healthy people whose bodies can cope, and that probably none of us on this forum come into that category.

"Toxic Dentistry Exposed" will give you lots more valuable info. Dreadful title, but brilliant book.

claudiasmum profile image
claudiasmum in reply to dina7

I had an infection before one of the teeth was removed which they couldn't control even after an apisectomy which is why they took that tooth out - and the infection cleared up. The other tooth, the wisdom tooth, was never infected and that cleared up nicely. The pain started sometime after that.

The only info I can find on "empty" (as opposed to "dry" which is an infection) socket is in relation to people who have their eyes surgically removed - and are left with residual pain.

As a fibromyalgia sufferer though, I am very susceptible to all kinds of things.

I have gradually been getting my old metal fillings replaced but the pain is in the new ones not in the old ones.

dina7 profile image
dina7 in reply to claudiasmum

I don't think 'empty' or 'dry' socket is the same as a cavitation infection. Have a look at something like this:

Most dentists don't remove teeth properly so we are all prone to these cavitations.

claudiasmum profile image
claudiasmum in reply to dina7

That makes a lot of sense. But how does one get a dentist to do something about it? I have been back so many times, had multiple xrays and had two lots of antibiotics as a precaution, all to no avail.

dina7 profile image
dina7 in reply to claudiasmum

They are not easily seen on x-rays so you have to find a dentist with a Cavitat Ultrasound Scanner. Tried to PM you but couldn't get it to work! If you send me one I can let you know the place to go.

Antibiotics can't touch it 'cos it's in the bone and there's no blood supply there.

claudiasmum profile image
claudiasmum in reply to dina7

Thanks Dina. I had no idea this thing even existed having been fobbed off by dentist, GP and neurologist for the last five months. I will see if I can get a referral back to the dental hospital which did the apisectomy - guessing it's the same sort of thing?

dina7 profile image
dina7 in reply to claudiasmum

I doubt the dental hospital will be any better: they're all trained the same way.

Joyia profile image

After removal of a wisdom tooth I too suffered with a dry socket but I came across some advice from Dr Natasha Campbell McBride in her book Gut and Psychology, to place a very good probiotic tablet in the mouth, let it dissolve naturally, this will help heal any infection, it worked for me. Incidentally it may be wise to look at one's gut health anyway, if poor it creates inflammation in the system resulting in many disease situations.

dina7 profile image
dina7 in reply to Joyia

Definitely worth looking at gut health as antibiotics can result in candida and leaky gut.

jonii profile image

Watch Root cause on Netflix all you need to know is there. A big fat no to metal implants. Change your holistic Dentist, they never recommend root canal work.

Good look.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to jonii

When you see a user name of Hidden, it means that the person is no longer a member of this forum.

We often close posts that were originated by people who have left - there is no point in wasting our time making replies. Occasionally, the thread might still be active and popular and will be left. More often, it is simply a case of none of the admins noticing!

I shall now be closing this post to replies.

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