Long story, but please help me. Since I was a baby I had health problems, but none that anyone could explain. I was diagnosed with exercise induced asthma, because my heart rate would elevate & I'd start hyperventilating with any type of activity. They did hundreds of EKG's, tests, pace maker, etc., until there were no clear answers & they told my mom I was looking for attention. I would pass out or black out during PE everyday, but still told me I was fine. I always got sick with sinus infections, bronchitis, upper resp. Infections, pneumonia. I'm talking more than 5 a year it was like every month, even to this day. Everyone told me I had bad allergies & asthma which caused me to get sick easily. 2000 I was diagnosed with tachycardia & put on med. They found a lump in throat Sept. 2013 & blood work said mild hyperthyroidism. I started loosing weight rapidly, still getting sick a lot, depressed, fatigue, weak, etc. They removed nodule nov. 2013 & found that the 1/2 of my thyroid with nodule was very badly scarred so they removed it. They told me they couldn't see the other side because they were only working on that one side, but if my blood work ever shows anything they will remove it. They told me I had hashimoto or graves disease. I still have all the same symptoms, but blood work is fine so they tell me there's nothing they can do. I've been to 5 specialist, had 2 surgeries, & several tests this year & still no answers. I know I'm not crazy. I'm tired of being sick please help!
PS I forgot to mention the chronic constipation that I've had since baby too & they are thinking about removing my bowels and my 10 mth old baby seems to have a lot of the same problems already.