So after waiting and chasing and giving blood umpteen times, the idiot endo phoned me today with the news that yes, my blood test came back positive for both antibody tests. I don't have the actual results, but what does this mean now? Do I have Hashimotos? And if so, are all Hashis sufferers here on the gluten free diet?
Positive for antibodies: So after waiting and... - Thyroid UK
Positive for antibodies

Mistydog, If you have positive thyroid peroxidase antibodies you have Hashimoto's. Not all Hashi's patients are gluten free but most report that their antibodies fall when g-f and bloating and constipation improve. A couple have said they didn't notice any benefit and didn't have adverse reactions when the reintroduced gluten.
Hi mistydog,
I was also have hashi's. I gave up dairy and gluten/wheat and it felt like 30years of symptoms disappeared. I saw a gastroenterology as they thought with having hashi's that I might have also had coeliac disease but those tests came back negative. When I became pregnant I found that I was fine to eat dairy, wheat and gluten, however my daughter is now just turning four and I am finding I am once again reacting badly to wheat and gluten. I am not cutting it out completely but over the last week I have severely reduced my intake of wheat and gluten and my symptoms are once again improving and I have lost 3lbs to boot.
I would say give a diet reduced/free from wheat and gluten a try and see how you feel. If you feel better then stick with it but if you feel no different then there is no sense in depriving yourself as it can be quite restrictive without proper meal planning.
Thanks, Spindrift. I read a list of things to exclude and it was very restrictive! I'll try cutting out things one at a time and see how I do. Thanks for replying
hmm now this is interesting i also had a positive result for peroxidase antibodies and was told i dont have hashimoto,s .?now back to being confused. hmm ?>
There is a category to the right of this page for Hashimotos - maybe you will find something helpful there. Normally if you have raised anti-bodies for TPO it confirms Hashimotos. You could always ask for a scan to confirm. I think your GP is probably one of the many who thinks it is irrelevant if you have Hashimotos - as they think the treatment is the same. WRONG - auto-immune conditions need a Holistic/Functional approach where the health of the whole body is considered and not just the thyroid. Gut problems are usually linked....
Juls,thyroid peroxidase antibodies mean autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto's). I think doctors just don't like to call it Hashi's and call it autoimmune thyroiditis. Not sure why, as Hashimoto is the bloke who discovered it, the same as Dr. Graves discovered autoimmune hyperactive thyrotoxicosis (Graves).
Hi Mistydog, I went totally gluten free six weeks ago, my antibodies have come down and I feel loads better!
this 20 minute video helped me understand why gluten free helps reduce antibodies. hope it helps you too.
Thanks Saorsun. I just watched it and it made a lot of sense. Iddon't have too much problem with constipation although have recently been on some meds that have not helped in that department! But I have the other hypo symptoms so I definitely think it's worth giving a go.
My biggest problem is my digestion, it hurts to eat ANYTHING. I have tried so many things. Recently I v been trying this stuff called digesta quer. Look it up, has helped a lot.
It pretty much controls my life. No eating out, Very painful halfway through eating. I drink lots of blended fruit, rich in enzymes.