Is it too soon to start running again? And is r... - Thyroid UK

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Is it too soon to start running again? And is running just too intense?

sip1 profile image
27 Replies

Ok, so I've only been taking NDT for a week, and I don't feel any different yet really as I'm only taking 1 grain....... but......... I am so so sick of not exercising! (And I have to try and lose this extra weight somehow ;) )

The last time I ran was last November - which was horrific. I ran for 4 years, but the last year of that was really awful, until I had to give up. It was so exhausting, that even walking up the hills was bad enough - my legs were like led, my body felt heavy and I could never seem to get enough air into my lungs.

I know I've got to start all over again from scratch - but would it be a bad idea to add in a bit of running when I dog walk? I was thinking short bursts of downhills and flats for now, I don't think I could do anything more.

Is it unwise to start again yet - should I perhaps wait a bit longer, or perhaps scrap the running idea altogether?

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sip1 profile image
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27 Replies
sazzyb profile image

Morning sip,

I don't think this is a question anybody else can answer except you. Do what your body allows you to as it's all down to how YOU feel. If you're able, just go for it, start slow and work up if you have the energy, even if you can only manage a few yards.

sip1 profile image
sip1 in reply to sazzyb

I think you're right - just worried about starting in case I have to stop AGAIN lol. I'd rather not start if I have to give up, it's just too much after stopping and starting so many times last year. I love running so much, and I really miss it!

hose1975 profile image

You were kind enough to reply to my question on a similar subject, so here goes...

I started c25k nearly three months ago, going from barely being able to run for a minute at a time to 28 mins without stopping now (very proud of myself!). During this time my thyroid function has declined. Last Sunday I ran 25 mins and felt like I just couldn't get enough air, almost like my airways were closing (does this sound familiar?), but my GP okayed a dosage increase and it's just starting to kick in. What a difference! My last run was 28 mins and the breathing issues are all but gone. I've stopped yawning all afternoon, and I'm generally beginning to get my mojo back. Hang in there, get your med levels right for you (do not be content to be 'normal' on the range, push for 'feeling good') and, as sazzyb says, work up to it slowly again. Some light interval training, perhaps?

HarryE profile image
HarryE in reply to hose1975

It does indeed sound familiar - I belive it is referred to as air hunger. I got it badly. I don't run, but I do do serious walking and it was very noticeable.

sip1 profile image
sip1 in reply to hose1975

Thank you so much hose1975 - that's a really encouraging reply :D Yes it sounds very familiar indeed. I even thought at one point I had exercise induced asthma and went to the docs for an inhaler. No surprise that it didn't work :-/ although I think it had a placebo effect for a while, as I was 'willing' it to work. I have never felt wheezy - so the asthma didn't really tie in - it just felt like I couldn't get enough air into my lungs, like I couldn't getting enough oxygen to my muscles. I went from fit, to unfit and I couldn't work it out! I could never get past running 6 - 7 miles and my stamina was pooped. I tried running less thinking I was doing too much, I tried running more thinking I wasn't doing enough! I tried running differently (gait), I tried different times of day (late morning, lunch time was always better for some reason), different food, supplements, I tried running off road, different shoes, minimalistic and so on. It was totally gutting to give up, and my weight has piled on since stopping. I think it must have been the only thing keeping my metabolism going!

hose1975 profile image
hose1975 in reply to sip1

Walking, lots of walking. Ironically, this is the reason I took up running in the first place (able to walk a gnat's under four miles in an hour and wanted more of a challenge). Maybe you could do the c25k programme, if that wouldn't feel like too much of a regressive step?

sip1 profile image
sip1 in reply to hose1975

I have always walked - even at my crappiest times I have hauled myself off my backside and walked - even if it was only 15 minutes it was something that involved moving :)

What's the c25k programme? :) My aim was to do a half marathon, but never got beyond 10 miles in my training. I felt so awful after doing 10 - no matter how slowly I built it up, that the thought of doing any more at that time was a definite no.

hose1975 profile image
hose1975 in reply to sip1

Do you have a smartphone? If so, I would recommend the RunDouble c25k (couch to 5k) app. It gives you the option of training by time or by distance (time is up to 30 mins, distance up to 3 miles) and the first two weeks are free. For about £2 you can buy all their plans, which include training for 0-10k, a 5-10k bridge (again, by time or by distance), and half marathon training programme. I like it a lot and I've constructed playlists for running at slightly different tempos depending on my energy levels (currently running around 150-155 bpm, so around Blink 182's All the Small Things :) ). It's well worth it. Otherwise the NHS site has a series of c25k podcasts which are highly rated too. But I like to be able to track my distance and rough calorie expenditure, and have my own music.

sip1 profile image
sip1 in reply to hose1975

Yes I do - I'll have a look, thank you :) I find listening to your own music best, I don't run well to music I don't like lol. It's just irritating! I tried one of those running albums once - does anybody really want to run to 'the eye of the tiger'?? Heavy metal music always got me up the steepest of hills ;)

hose1975 profile image
hose1975 in reply to sip1

I like to run in time to the music (as a beginner I'm in danger of going off like a whippet after a hare) as it helps me pace myself. Otherwise I'd definitely be running to QOTSA and the Foos!

sip1 profile image
sip1 in reply to hose1975

Love the Foo Fighters! :) QOTSA?

hose1975 profile image
hose1975 in reply to sip1

Queens of the Stone Age :)

Maybe I should just give running to Iron Maiden a go, regardless of tempo!

sip1 profile image
sip1 in reply to hose1975

'Run to the Hills, Run for your life!!??' ;) (Ok I know, that's an oldie...)

hose1975 profile image
hose1975 in reply to sip1

I prefer the singles off Seventh Son, so The Evil that Men Do, The Clairvoyant, Can I Play with Madness.

Otherwise I run to anything I like (and I'm quite eclectic): Depeche Mode, Sisters of Mercy, Cure, some Swedish songs, Dire Straits, Beach Boys, etc. As long as the tempo's right and I like the song, it will be welcome on my playlist!

Runnergirl profile image

Hi Sip

I thought I would never return to running after 1 year, once my vit D levels were high enough and starting thyroxine I have noticed a real difference I.e not so breathless, and more stamina but I started really slow. I started walking 3 miles first then short bursts of running/walking on a treadmill in the gym, and finally road running. I just took it slow and built up because running was a big part of my life and I missed it.

If you really miss it and providing you feel well enough then go for it and if you can't there is always something else you can do.

Good luck

Runner Girl

sip1 profile image
sip1 in reply to Runnergirl

Thanks runner girl :) (Great name by the way :)) I have considered cycling, instead of running - which I used to do quite a lot, but, it's just not the same ;) I like cycling, but I don't love it. What I love most about running is it's just me, and my German Shepherd Cassie. We'd go off road, trails, common and it's just lush! With cycling, there's just too many other things involved (like cars for one thing!) and I can't go off into my own little world, with my music on or just a quiet me time. I get so jealous when I see other people running, that I literally can't look at them. I've tried to accept that I might never run again, but it's just not happening. It's part of who I am :)

Runnergirl profile image
Runnergirl in reply to sip1

Well done Sip1

It will come back again, runners tend to be quite determined I think! and if this helps at all my husband had a massive cancer removed from his leg last year, he was told he would never run again.... And guess what, with determination he is running (faster than me!)

Take care


sip1 profile image
sip1 in reply to Runnergirl

That's absolutely fantastic - well done that man, that's determination at its best :) He must be very proud x

in reply to sip1

You can cycle off-road you know! You may be able to get away with a hybrid type bike whilst the trails are dry.

Edit: if you look at my pic, it's taken on the Marlborough Downs in Wiltshire. Wonderful place!

sip1 profile image

Well, I thought - what the heck, lets give it a go :) So I went up the common with my dog Cassie, and did a few little bursts here and there (should really have put a sports bra on, thank goodness nobody was about as I was having to hold my chest lol, gawd). It was actually pretty damn good! I chose shady, flat or downhill areas, and they really weren't very far but it wasn't actually that difficult. My lungs did start to burn at one point though, I think I got carried away (as you do ;) ) but it was encouraging, and I definitely will try again! I felt freeeeeeeeeeeee!! :D

sazzyb profile image
sazzyb in reply to sip1

Brilliant, really happy for you, you go girl. :-D

lizanne profile image
lizanne in reply to sip1

I have underactive thyroid and all the symptoms that go with, and to be fair there have been some times when I have felt like I was running through treacle (I am not what you would call a natural athlete!!). However I kept at the running, trying to do it twice a week if possible and do one short run (5K) and one long run (10k). It isn't as impressive as it sounds as I am very slow but psychologically I feel that it de-stresses me and makes me feel that I am not completely washed up. When I am too unfit to run I do walk/run/walk/run.

The main thing as you already know is to listen to your body, don't overstress it, don't push too hard. I was taught the easiest way to find out if you can cope with the pace is if you cant talk you are going too fast for your fitness, if you can sign you are going to slow. Just run at a comfortable pace and try and run with a friend so you have the confidence and safety of someone with you if you did feel unwell for any reason

Runnergirl profile image

.....sometimes I pretend I'm Jessica Ennis when I'm running to Kanye West's - Stronger.......If only........RG xx

shaws profile image

Dr Skinner, who died last year, in his book stated that he thought women should not run Marathons and indicated that it may bring on a thyroid gland problem.

I don't think he was against healthy exercise. Would swimming or some gentler exercise make you feel better. You have to be at optimum health first and on optimum meds.

sip1 profile image
sip1 in reply to shaws

I do wonder if it was the running that brought mine one, either that, or it just brought it to light. I can't imagine a life without running, I just don't feel ready to give up yet. I think all I'm going to get out of it now, is a little bit of 'running' thrown in every now and then, when I'm out walking.

I was going swimming a few weeks back - which I'm going to try and get back into again.... I'm not a great swimming fan - it bores me to tears lol, but, it gets me moving and stretching at least!

When I'm optimally dosed, surely it would be ok to ramp it up a bit? Marathon running seems an impossible idea right now though!

suzannai profile image

I recall reading somewhere that intense exercise like running can be detrimental to the thyroid hormones. I believe the reasoning was that the increase in cortisol may affect the T4 to T3 conversion. I also recall reading that hypo patients dont do well with weight training. Not sure where that leaves, tai qi, hiking, etc. Any one else have any theories on this?

sip1 profile image
sip1 in reply to suzannai

I'd be interested to hear more. So what about swimming or cycling? Wouldn't this increase cortisol in the same way?

An interesting article:

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