Rasberry ketones is this safe to use with thyro... - Thyroid UK
Rasberry ketones is this safe to use with thyroxine ??

Don't waste your money! There's absolutely no proof they aid waste loss.
thanks any idea what might be good to use , used to be so thin before thyroid issues .,
Any sort of diet may further lower metabolism and prevent weight loss. Don't start your day with carbs, perhaps coconut oil and protein. If you can use gentle exercise even while sitting it may help. Can you get T3 along with your thyroxine? It's a big problem on T4 only.
Why shouldn't you start your day with carbs?
I believe it starts the roller coaster of raising glucose and then dropping it. Then you need more carbs to satisfy. Fat and protein digest slower.
I don't know anyone who lost weight with raspberry ketones but the green coffee bean may have been somewhat effective.
Blimey! Thanks for this, Heloise - who knew!
Hi Schenks, I'm not sure whether you were responding to the video or the green coffee beans. Dr. Oz had both on his show and they seemed to work on really heavy people. I am less than one stone (as you call it) over and my friends all tried the ketones because it deflates fat cells???? Really belly fat was our aim.
We didn't really see results after two months.
I always felt the Atkins diet would work and you can eat anything you want except for carbs. Fats are good for you and the fuel of choice. I know athletes load up on pasta but I think it's because you can't really load up on fat and then run, ha.
Our low metabolism makes it almost impossible but T3 raises metabolism.
I'm so sorry that GP's are so unhelpful. Mine weighs two hundred pounds (female).
Thanks for responding and for the video. I've not got as far as the green coffee beans - not enough energy to watch it and do what I need to do during the day - saving it for this evening or tomorrow! I'm very heavy so it might just help me. I've just received my order of another Dr Clark for yet another diet - looks like a slightly different version of the Atkins, but when you're desperate....
Try the Atkins....you aren't hungry and your body won't think you are starving like on other diets. Are you afraid to eat fats or do you feel you can't give up carbs?
There is no video aboutiherb.com/product-reviews/H... green coffee beans.
Hi Eliana, I wish I knew, I am so heavy now my username should be 'hippopotamus' and with the oedema too, not a pretty sight! I've just asked my GP about adding T3 but he wants to check my bloods first so going next week. I do feel undermedicated though, and am shattered all the time. Very very frustrating.
Morning Sazzyb, I m sure you are beautiful , but I know what you mean , my username name should be beach whale , and yes I want to feel well to , at least one day a week I finish work and come home climb in to bed and emerge the next day , really would love to understand this illness and the right thing to do for a better life , half the time I m not sure what to eat or if it effects medication working , GP had me on 75 lowered it to 50 mg I do not function on 50 stuck myself back on 75 to actually be able to function for a whole day !!! you take care your username should be beautiful not hippo xxx
This is one recommended on a doctor tv show and a few reviews:
Thank you for asking your question I have thought about this as my weight is just going up and up.
I don't drink and have tried to really cut down and still the weight rises.
I saw someone has replied saying You need to take T3 also with the T4 wish I understood this jargen.
Will try asking the doctor.
Gilly, I'd do some of your own research first before asking your doc - unless the thyroid is one of his interests. Use the search box for T3 at the top of the page, I did and saved loads of interesting facts. The more you read the more it will make sense.
Gilly - have a look at the main TUK site for information, as far as most GPs are concerned the only treatment is Thyroxine T4, which is fine for most folk, but there are alternatives....
If u look on the site that sells them it says your not to use them if u have thyroid issues i bought some before reading if able to take and they let me return them then they are good if u use the green ones with it but probably cause it makes u go to the toilet alot i know people who takes rhem.
I can recommend eating LCHF which is low carb high fat. See dietdoctor.com. The best diet for a healthy weightloss!!!
I've been told I've got neuropathy
and the toxins settel I the legs.
Vit c, E, D all help with detoxing whether it's cherry strawberry or raspberry even blackberry and apple it all helps to spice things up. Or cider vinegar.
Hi everyone
My weight just won't budge either and the tears I have cried over this issue could make a swimming pool!!
Anyway, I went to see a Natural Health Specialist on Saturday with the "I'll try anything" approach and I came away feeling so much relief that I had spoken to someone that actually understands how our bodies work and what they need. He talked me through how the thyroid operates, he spoke about T4 and the conversion to T3 and so on, he spoke about finding what caused the thyroid to become defunct (no doctor has ever bothered to find this out), he talked about iodine (good and bad), he talked about good fats, gluten, selenium, serotonin, fluoride, iron levels, vitamin levels, gap family history, any past accidents/illnesses, my use of antibiotics etc etc. it was a 45 minute chat. He was a very very clued up person about the thyroid and what it needs. In all my time, my endo and my doctor have never ever explained any of this stuff to me and it is very clear where I am going wrong. He said that years ago to ate what we could catch which included a lot of fish that swam in the sea (contained a lot of iodine). Our diets are so very very different today, too much sugar, wheat and the wrong fats. He spoke about what happens inside our bodies when we eat these things, the science behind it all. It's no wonder we have these issues. He spoke about coconut oil and it's benefits too, always cook with it and never heat olive oil. Gosh there was so much to learn!! But basically, eat clean, what you cannot kill or pick, do not eat!!! Makes sense
He is in no way suggesting I come of medication and eat my way to a better thyroid function but he does believe in some people, if they eat the correct foods, take the correct supplements, medication can be reduced, weight loss can be achieved.
I had to do an iodine test - it involved putting a square of iodine on my skin and seeing how long it took to disappear. It took 6 hours for me, if it was still visible after 8 hours, iodine deficiency would NOT be the reason your thyroid isn't working. I'm now wondering whether I am lacking iodine and a supplement may be necessary. If I have hashimotos, it cannot be taken. He will check me for antibodies (I have had this done but he said it can change - I didn't know this)
I'm now waiting for him to tell me what I should be eating and what I should avoid. He is very confident I can make myself well again AND lose weight.
Someone I know reccommended him - she has been hypothyroid for 10 years and is on T4 only. She just cannot lose weight and went to him out of sheer desperation and misery, she is currently a stone lighter and so very much happier
Sorry for rambling! If you do have a natural health clinic you can attend, give it a go. What do you have to lose??!!