Ok. I need big help. Feel very poorly. - Thyroid UK

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Ok. I need big help. Feel very poorly.

7 Replies

My head is so minced that I can barely think straight.

A few days ago after feeling awful on ERFA 2 grains. I decided I'd had enough. I've just been going down hill for the last 3 months.

So I tried Naturethroid 2 grains for ONE day. But developed god awful anxiety constantly. So decided that was not for me.

So I switched to ARMOUR 2 grains and that did exactly the same thing! I have now dropped down to 1 grain a day and am STILL a nervous wreck. But I also feel strangely speedy but normal heartrate.


Have my adrenals crashed? Is that why ERFA stopped working? I wasn't nervous at all on the erfa but did have a constant headache and felt awful.

My last bloods taken 2 weeks ago were

FT 3. 4.9. ( 3.1 - 6.8)

FT4. 12.9. (12-22)

TSH. 0.10. ( 0.27 - 4.2)

After we got these bloods back my endo said I could raise my ERFA

I am so lost and feel so dreadful I just don't know what is happening? I really need some advice because I don't think I can remember ever feeling this way. I'm not even tired! I'm wired, depressed, anxious constantly, my stomach is churning, I can't sleep properly, my pulse is about 58 to 60 but fluctuates. Sometimes a bit slower sometimes a bit quicker. Morning temps are 36.1.

Is this adrenals and if so would the CT3method work ? Do I need stim testing? Just don't know where to start. I'm throwing all these questions out because I can't face ringing my endo again.

And these pins and neddles on my tongue are worse than ever!!

Any idea.......anyone?


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7 Replies
Aurealis profile image

Not sure I can be of any help, the nearest I've ever felt to how you describe is if I've made lots of changes close together. I think there are other posts about people experiencing differences when swapping between different NDTs, perhaps reading some of those might give you some help while you wait for some more helpful comments. Godd luck, hope you're soon feeling better.

Heloise profile image

This is STTM's article about Adrenals which does sort of appear as a possibility although others seem to be having trouble with Erfa in the higher dose as well. Cortisol will block T3 receptors so although your FT3 isn't too bad, it may not be working for you.


I have found GABA to be helpful. It supports stress reduction, calms neurotransmitter overactivity and may promote relaxation. I use it in place of the gabapentin that the doctor prescribed for my neuropathy which affected my teeth. I take it with magnesium at bedtime.

in reply to Heloise

Hello Heloise,

I've just read that link and it does sound VERY like me. Because I do feel very overdosed but I can't possibly be.

I'm going to try taking 1/2 grain at about 5.30 am AKA the CT3method and see if I feel any less anxious. Worth a try but failing that, I think I need to contact my endo because since I reduced my dosage to try and ease these horrific symptoms my eyes are already swelling up and I know that I will spiral down incredibly quickly. X

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to

If it is a problem with adrenals, can you get some help with that? Have you done a saliva test which would be very telling? I know it's overwhelming when you try to figure these things out by yourself. It's walking a tightrope needing more thyroid but being unable to utilize it if your cortisol is flip flopping.

I hope the CT3 works for you.

Marz profile image

Tingling tongue - could it be B12 and Iron deficiencies ? VitC good for Adrenals - in quite high doses I believe....

Hi joesmum. I can't answer you're questions I'm afraid - but you have my empathy. It's awful feeling so rotten all the time and I really hope you perk up soon. Take care x

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