Hi everyone. I managed to get a copy of my bloods today. TSH level is 12.8 mu/L 0.35 - 5.00 mu/L. T4 level is 11.8 pmol/L 9.00 -24.00pmol/L Borderline indication. Consider T4 therapy. Does anyone know what these results mean!! Very stroppy GP
Thyroid results - What do they mean?: Hi everyone... - Thyroid UK
Thyroid results - What do they mean?

The GP has no need to be stroppy. He should be ashamed of failing to treat you. Your thyroid is currently managing to make some t4, but to do so it is having to be driven very hard by way of raised tsh (thyroid stimulating hormone). A raised tsh. ( 4+) can be linked to heart problems according to the society for endocrinolgy. endocrinology.org/press/pre.... (Paragraph 4)
How do you feel? I'm guessing its rough,which is why you went to the docs?
Are you now being treated with Levo? Hope so, as your TSH shows you need it. Why is your GP stroppy or is that a silly question?
I feel sluggish all of the time. The gp that I saw yesterday said its not hypo but borderline. So not able to treat yet. But I've got to be tested again in a few weeks. Sshe was a stroppy GP don't know why. Have a good mind to complain. There was no need for it. Anyways thanks for your replies. Bit concerned about heart problems?
That TSH is not borderline, it is overtly hypo.
Thank you so much. IM heading back to the surgery asap.
Take a copy of this bmj.com/content/337/bmj.a80...
That is outrageous and the GP should be very ashamed of himself. It sounds as though he either needs educating or you need a new GP. Poor you, you must be struggling with those symptoms and those results! The TSH range is 0.35-5, and your TSH is over 12. In the UK, strict and poorly designed guidelines state that doctors should wait until the TSH climbs to 10 before treating, therefore even the most ignorant doctor should be treating you at 12. I know how difficult it is to stand your ground when you are feeling poorly, but please do go back, and if it would help, there are others here on this site who can give you some good 'evidence' to take with you. For example I believe that Thyroid UK admin have an article by Dr Toft who used to be the head of the British Thyroid Association (don't quote me here, I may be wrong about the Assn) and taking this to your GP might at least help in educating him/her. There is no reason for stroppiness, you have a genuine illness which needs treating and your results plus your symptoms show it clearly. All the best, LB
My jaw just hung open when I read your post! Can I suggest you go to a different GP for your next appointment which should be very soon after looking at your results. You should be on treatment like NOW. I believe that in the USA the normal range for TSH has been changed so that anyone with a TSH above 3.0 is treated.
Yikes... The more responses I get the more stressed i am! But it's very reassuring too
I love that they won't treat us if we have results "in range", and won't treat us when we are "out of range" too". I would love to understand the logic.
Hi forward, not that I am defending GP's in the UK but I've been posting some videos by a functional medicine doctor and he lists 22 reasons for low thyroid. Some of these are correctable but I guess it's too complicated and/or too expensive to find out. As previously stated, your thyroid is producing some T4 but as you can see, just barely enough to support your metabolism which is probably slowing down. That usually starts some symptoms, perhaps a little weight gain, a little fatigue, etc. Your pituitary gland will keep putting out more and more thyroid stimulant (TSH) to continue keeping up with T4. Some people have had TSH very high; even 50 or 60. Considering that, they may not think 12 is that high since you do have some T4 slightly in range. But the free T3 is a more important number to know since that is the active part which produces results in the cells. The labs in the UK often will not do this test I've heard.
People have gone to Blue Horizon and paid privately for the test. I'll post one of the five-minute videos and you will get a sense of what is involved in dealing with Hashimoto.
I was feeling awful too, and it is only through information gained on this site that I realised that I had to look at all the vitamins etc. that we also need to function. I feel cross that the endocrinologist didn't seem to know this (they probably do, but choose to say nothing), I had to nag to get tested. The endo/GP will only help if my results are out of range, and are not in the slightest bit helpful for anything else (low in range B12 for instance).
I'm in the UK and have been referred to a lovely lady endo who explains everything as we go. She said that the guidelines say the TSH should be between 0.35 and 6 but that they tend to look at treatment if it's over 2 to get optimum result. She is also going to check me for other auto-immune diseases as she said they very seldom come alone. Cx

May I ask if this is the lady in Leamington Spa?
No hon, up in Cumbria, Cx
So what is classed as normal range for T4. Maybe that is why they're reluctant to start me on thyroxine? I've to wait for another blood test beginning of June. If it's still the same they may start treatment. IM aware of other vitamins like D3 but want to wait until the 2nd blood test has been done
Your range is 9-24 but they can vary. But whatever the range, your t4 is low and will be making you feel ill. It seems that most people, as long as they convert t4 to t3 normally, need it to be in the top quarter of the range.
I don't see why you can't start some supplements now, they will help you to make best use of the hormone you do have. Did you have any tested?
No I didn't... Which test/s do you suggest I ask for? Thanks
The ones usually recommended on here are ferritin, b12, folate, vit d, magnesium and zinc. You may not get your GP to do all of these, but its worth a try. Ferritin and b12 as a priority. Also you cholesterol can be raised by hypo, have you had that tested?
I know it's a lot to take in, but you will get there xx
Its easier to change GP than deal with someone clueless. And too many are. Mine is too but at least he admits it! When my levels are off, I now make suggestions to him, and he just goes OK.
Have just ordered Dr tofts understanding thyroid from Amazon!
That's awful for you. Londinium gave some good advice on complaints to gp practices. Im too worn down to look in to it atm but if it continues I will complain with a form that you get from reception, and move to a different surgery if I have to.
Ooops... Just realised you are Londinium
Anyone get depression and so exhausted they can't function? Also feet are like blocks of ice.