My GP keeps trying to reduce my dosage. When I moved to this surgery I was on 175mg. I'm now on 125mg. My joints are seizing up, my weight is my heaviest ever (11st 9lbs and 5'2"), sleeping a lot. Yet my most recent blood test came back "insufficient TSH to detect/test".
I have an appointment with an endo next month and I am going to ask the surgery for copies of all my tests but is there anything else I should be doing?
One thing I'm not too sure of, I was taking a multi-vitamin with iodine - could this be affecting the results?
I also had Breast Cancer 2 1/2 years ago not long after reducing my initial dosage although a mammogram 8 months prior to diagnosis showed nothing abnormal (and was rechecked after diagnosis). I don't think the two are linked, but my GP seems of the opinion that my thyroid has started working normally again!