I'm new to this site and have been reading a lot online about weight gain and levothyroxine. Have been taking for a year and a half and have gained over 2 stone in weight. Just been to doc and has agreed to check bloods again but said natural alternatives are not available on NHS.
Has anyone in Scotland been able to obtain a pr... - Thyroid UK
Has anyone in Scotland been able to obtain a prescription for Armour on the NHS?

I think Scotland NHS follows the same procedure as England but doctors can prescribe natural dessicated thyroid hormone but the guidelines by the British Thyroid Association give false statements about it and I think that's why GP's don't like to prescribe. NDT (for short) has been prescribed for more than 100 years before the blood tests came in and generic levothyroxine (much cheaper) but not so effective for some people.
I was told the same when I lived in Scotland. I eventually got an advocate to help me deal with doctors because I just couldnt cope with them and was on no medication at all at that time, I wanted to fight for NDT and she told me not to waste my time even trying because it was on the blocked list (or whatever its called) from the health boards and no doctor could prescribe it on the NHS even if they wanted to. Even if I could prove that it was in my best interests to have it.
It may vary depending on which health board you come under and I have heard of people over Edinburgh way getting it on the NHS but certainly nowhere I could get it on the west coast. May have changed by now that was years ago. I had a choice of levo which did not agree with me (and thats a gross understatement) or nothing. I chose nothing, and eventually went down the route of self-medicating with NDT to get my life back.
Hi india, I would also like to know that. I was going to use the freedom of information act to find out and I had plans to contact my MSP about it but have really been to unwell. Lothian NHS says NO and I will try to find out more one of these days. I have however found a private Dr in Edinburgh that will prescribe it.
Hi Roslin. Could you private email me the name of the Dr you see? G.
Hi can you give me the name of the private doc in Edinburgh desperate to get an armour prescription? Thanks
Hi. Could you message me the name and contact details of the private doctor in Edinburgh please? Thank you so much in advance.
I too am desperate to be prescribed Armour and live in Edinburgh. Any doctor details would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Would you mind sending me the info of your Edinburgh doctor as well please? Struggling with levo for years and just not working anymore!
dear roslin could you please give me the contact details of this doctor. i have been looking for so long
Hello Roslin. Do you know a doctor in Scotland who would prescribe Natural desiccated thyroid? If so, would you mind private messaging me please. Thank you so much.
Hi Roslyn Sorry to be a pest but can you forward me the private GPS contact details too . Thank you so much 🤗 . I hope you are well!
Please email me details for the private doctor in Edinburgh who prescribes natural thyroxin. Thank you
Please email me details for the private doctor in Edinburgh who prescribes natural thyroxin. Thank you
does anyone know of any doctors in Ayrshire or Glasgow who would prescribe armour/natural thyroid?
Can you please give me the name of the doctor in Edinburgh. Thank you
Can you please send me the natural doctors info I am trying to help my mother in law! Greatly appreciated