My 10 year old daughter had a blood test last week, following repeated visits to the GP since 2012, with abdominal pain. The test showed she has hypothyroidism and we have been able to get a consultant appointment for next week. From looking at the symptoms for this conditions she fits in with some of them but not all, but a confirmation of the diagnosis would explain a lot of niggling symptoms she has had for a while. She is constantly complaining of lower abdominal pain recently - I had put this down to her age but the GP has said that hypothyroid would also explain this. She also has the following symptoms
- feeling the cold
- has only lost 8 baby teeth so far and hasnt lost any baby teeth for at least 2 years
- ravenous all the time but is not over weight
- hip and joint pain
- fatigue that comes in bouts not all the time
- double vision which the optician has said is due to a weakened muscle in her eye
- visual disturbance since the age of 4 which no-one can explain
- greasy hair, but this could be her age
- moodiness and mood swings, but again could be her age as she is going through puberty
The fatigue seems to come in waves, so today she is off school with tummy ache, lack of apetite, feeling cold and tiredness. This is happening about once a week now, then she will be back to normal, albeit with tummy ache still, before going downhill again. I know I only have a week to wait to see the consultant who hopefully will be able to confirm diagnosis and start treatment or offer another diagnosis but I am wondering if this behaviour of symptoms is normal and apart from giving paracetamol and ibuprofen to relieve the symptoms, is there anything else I can do in the meantime?
All I know from the blood test if her TFT was 7.7 and the GP said normal range was between 0 and 3.5. I am assuming he tested T3 and T4 as well to be able to say it was under active but I dont know, as I didnt know the right questions to ask at the time.
Thanks for any response