Just wondering if anyone had seen an endo at Addenbrookes at all and if they have anything to say, good or bad, about one. Thank you.
Addenbrookes Endo has anyone seen one? - Thyroid UK
Addenbrookes Endo has anyone seen one?

I would be interested to know myself, sorry that I don't have any information.
I look forward to seeing any replies you might get.
Marie XX
Yes, I'm being treated there. On the whole I've been very happy with my treatment, I've got Graves. They treat that with block and replace, I've just stopped and I'm in remission. There is talk of RAI if that doesn't work but I definitely don't want that so who knows what will happen next.
The staff are all pleasant and polite, and only once did I have a long wait, and let's face it, if they are running late it is because someone in the queue before you has needed their time, because the staff don't come out of their rooms other than to collect their next patient once the clinic gets going and I always think that it was me who needed more time I would hope it would be given so I'm always happy to wait.
My endo is absolutely lovely but I only saw her once in the four appointments I had while I was being treated which was a shame. It was probably because Addenbrooke's is a big teaching hospital that I saw four different people, first visit I saw a senior house surgeon, I felt gloomy after that, next visit was my lovely endo and I felt so cheered up I practically floated out of the room on air, next two visits were presumably trainee endo's one of whom had a student doctor sitting in who was very patient friendly and left you feeling good and then my final one who was pleasant but just ok.
They were all thyroid people though - there is a diabetic clinic in the same department - but I was always treated by someone who specialised in thyroid complaints which was good. On the other hand I have a friend who was six months ahead of me with her Graves treatment and she seemed to have always seen the same doctor so I suppose who you get to see is the luck of the draw.
I'd say, I'm pretty happy with Addenbrooke's especially compared to some stories on here you could definitely do a lot worse. You just never see the same person twice.
Sorry I've rambled on but I hope it gives you an idea of one person's experiences.
Hi Dani
I have taken down your duplicated post for you.
I didnt have a duplicated post. I posted it once in questions and once in posts as I always get different people replying which is more helpful.
That's interesting! It always seems that there are more people in Questions and hardly anyone bothering to read or answer Posts.
I assumed that it was an accident! lol!
I did it once before with my question onnnn I cant remember and I got completely different people replying which was interesting and good
I am seeing Endo there. Excellent at detecting and diagnosing endocrine issues unsure about how good when it comes to treatment. I have spoken to a few unhappy patients in waiting room. The concerns by others are they don't feel better, havent lost weight, treat by range and not symptoms and lot of patients felt under medicated Seem to be cautious in prescribing T3 and not into vitamin supplements. Its a shame because they are so ahead of other hospitals in detection, testing and knowledge.
They were running a clinical trial that started in April last year for patients who were having conversion problems with thyroxine. I don't know how long it lasted, I have not heard anything about it but it suggested to me that perhaps they were not as happy with the treatments available for thyroid sufferers and were gathering evidence for alternatives.
They seem to listen to what you have to say and they all have a sense of humour. Good luck!
Hi Danifox 6,
I did see a consultant there who was great- I saw him about 3 times over a period of 18 months I think- I was already on T3 when I was referred- I was still having problems with symptons and particularly at that time palpitations. He did help me adjust the doses (was on T4 as well) and seemed very thorough with numerous blood tests including adrenal ones. He did not ever suggest coming off the T3- infact he mentioned a 5 mg version of T3 which he suggested I could ask my GP about.
He did however make it very clear how he felt about NDT- it was a definite no. I would definitely recommend him- in fact he has been one of the best consultants I have seen in the past 5 years trying to get myself better. I can send you his name if you PM me. I did go through Choose and Book after doing some research myself. I felt very comfortable with his polite pleasant manner- unfortunately I have not yet resolved my health issues though.
Yes please. My private endo would lke me to try it with t4 and my gp wont prescribe it unless am stable under an endo which sounds promising (if it works for me) sounding hopeful !