does anyone with thyroid problems have constant pelvic pain and protein in hteir urine?i was told I had protein in urine and alopecia but not why?
don't know if I have asked this?: does anyone... - Thyroid UK
don't know if I have asked this?

Protein in the urine could be an indication of renal failure.
I had this for many years before eventually being referred to a renal consultant, by which time my renal function was around 20%.
With appropriate diet and medication, my renal function has been stable for several years.
I suggest that you get a full renal function test as soon as possible.
It is there, you have to click on the arrows on the right hand side, it sometimes takes a few seconds to work.
I only get them on the right, strange indeed.
The protein in the urine could be cystitis which the doctor should treat as it can turn into a nasty kidney infection.
There is no treatment for alopecia but im sure it is characteristic of hypo as there are many of us here with hairloss. I like to see some positives i dont really have to shave my legs but i understand the stress if the hairloss is on the head/eyebrows.
I was given 3 days of antibiotics.
Did they work? If not i would go back to your gp dont leave pelvic pain to linger. If it is cystitis you can also get yourself some cranberry tablets, holland and barrets do them for a reasonable price, to prevent cystitis or there is d-mannose which could work but a lot dearer from amazon.
As you can probably tell i suffer quite a bit with it i don't think its hypo related necessarily but women do suffer with it quite regularly as the urethra is quite short making it easier for bacteria to enter the bladder it is also more common in diabetics.
I am not sure-quite disabling. have an appt on 7th.surely the dr I saw should have said what it could be without me having to ask every time?
lost eyebrow hair middle last year .thought it must be somethign dr said its nothing.
hairloss = thyroid?
Hi,What do your U`s and E`s look like,kidney function. Most important one is eGFR not a range, ideally should be above 60 very low, ie mine is 25, very bad!If you wish to send them to me, I will be happy to look. protein can also be Diabetes, Hb1Ac test, best, blood.meantime, have a high fluid level, important
.Best wishes,
have to dig out my previous blood results.nurse did ask if I was diabetic.
hi Jackie hunted high and low and couldnt find my blood results
You obviously have not had them recently then. I would ask for retests.With thyroid disease a lot of them should be done annually any way.
I keep every thing in files, lots, bloods in one draw, often worth referring to them,
dr prescribed me two meds at last visit ,I thought one was a shampoo or somethign fro my scalp and the pharmacy said they would ahve to order it.3 weeks on and still not got it..went in today and said have they got it yet-no a manufacturing problem.tehn I showed them a ticket I had fro meds owed (tablets)and they said that was the one they couldn't get,looked the name up on the internet and thye were for bladder -so what did he give me fro my scalp?