Hi to Everyone.: I have recently had my thyroid... - Thyroid UK

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d-mon-s profile image
10 Replies

I have recently had my thyroid biopsy results. My specialist told me that biopsy results are graded 1 to 5. For example if your results come back as a 1 you don't have cancer and a 5 would mean that you do. My results came back as a 3. I am trying to stay strong and positive but I now have to have another FNA performed on the 29th of this month. Has anyone had similar results as myself? I really would appreciate any advice given.

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d-mon-s profile image
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10 Replies
marram profile image

I have not had the same experience, just want to encourage you because you can be comforted by the fact that it is not a definitely positive result, also the fact the they are continuing to keep an eye on things.

I do hope that someone can respond who has been through the same experience. I do know that it is very common for a non-specific result on the first test.

Marie XX

Rose2408 profile image
Rose2408 in reply to marram

Hi there. So Sry to hear ....it IS a horrible place to be! My experience is similar the grading slightly different, ours is clear, inconclusive, suspicious & definite. Mine were first; unclear then the 2nd; suspicious. I was told then to have a Total Thyroidoscopy & surgery was booked within 2 weeks. Be strong & positive that if its cancerous/suspicious they're onto it for you & the sooner the better to have it removed. I've met people that opted for surgery with an unclear diagnosis even. I think the waiting like where you are now is terribly difficult to deal with on all levels but there's lots & lots of people on this website & others that offer massive support, you are never alone. I only just got the courage to join I shldve done it earlier like you have! So continue to be brave & you are welcome to stay in touch! If i miss you on here, (as im not crash hot navigating!) I'm at donnaroserussell@outlook.com

All the best


hilary77 profile image

Hi! I have just had a total thyroidectomy (last May) the complete removal of my thyroid gland, I was terrified at the thought of the operation but I can honestly say I wish I had done it ages ago. The scar it practically undetectable now and I feel so much better than I have done for years, no problem swallowing or eating after the operation even on the morning after the op, I was surprised at how quickly I recovered, just letting you know, if you have to have yours removed xx hope everything goes well & it isn't sinister xx sending ((( HUGS )))

Moggie profile image

So sorry to hear your bad news and, although I have no experience of this, just wanted to say that you seem to have a good team of medics keeping a close eye on you, which is positive, and to keep your chin up. I know every day will seem like a week to you until the 29th and you will have to have further testing before the doctors can give you a definate plan of action but any support you need in the mean time can be obtained through this site and all its wonderful members.

Moggie x

Discovery profile image
Discovery in reply to Moggie

The waiting times before you hear the results of the FNAs are not helpful. My wait was from the first week in October until January 2nd. The consultant said that they would be in touch sooner if there was a problem but for weeks I wondered how long 'sooner' was and then I wondered whether my results may have gone astray. Even on Christmas day it was still at the back of my mind. There must be a kinder way to do these things.

Loopycat profile image

I came back as a grade 3 - some odd looking cells but not conclusively cancer. Decision was to remove the lump anyway so I had half the thyroid removed. Unfortunately analysis of that confirmed it was cancerous so had the second half removed a couple of months later just in case. Thankfully it was caught relatively early (which I guess is the positive of a grade 3 as opposed to grade 5 result)

wandell1 profile image

Morning! I had a 3 result, they removed my thyroid and it wasn't cancerous. I'm now just over two years without my thyroid and after a difficult first 9 months, i'm doing great :)

I had this result twice. 4 weeks ago removal of half of thyroid - it was benign. I was told they found abnormal cells where they should not be. Still don't know what they were.

I can sympathise with you I took to my bed after first FNA. I had to wait 6 weeks until the next FNA. Then 4 weeks for results. Good news is its not a 4 which is suspicious of malignancy or a 5 which is definite. Just remember they don't know. Do you have hashimos? This tends to cause confusion as well. Fingers crossed.

tilly83 profile image

Hi , it must be so stressful. I had scan and 'suspected cancer' diagnosis. Had FNA and it was clear. Then went hyper and diagnosed with Graves but fine now. The waiting was horrible, support you get here will help, also when I thought I had cancer I was told it was the 'best' (terrible misnomer to give) as it was highly curable. Rod Stewart seem to have been fine and singing on. xxx

Clutter profile image

I was stage 3 'inconclusive' on FNA and core biopsy and was told 2 hours after the FNA. Surgery was necessary in any case to relieve compression on my windpipe and ease breathing and swallowing.

After the hemi-lobectomy (PT) histology was positive for stage II Hurthle cell carcinoma. That was a long wait, Dec 7-Jan 4. Follow up completion thyroidectomy was in March. Histology was clear.

Treatment is the same, whether or not the lobe is cancerous, if a partial or total thyroidectomy is necessary. Depending on your age, type and size of the tumour Radioactive Iodine (RAI) ablatement may be recommended after surgery to mop up stray cells and prevent spread.

I hope your result is benign.

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