I fought to be referred to a specialist as was so fed up with aching bones, weakness, tiredness, blurred vision, weight gain and anxiety, symptoms most of us have experienced at some point, I'm sure.
I had to have private blood tests at a place sourced by ME, paid for by ME, to show my doctor something was wrong - severe iron deficiency and vit D deficiency. She put me on vit D tablets and iron tablets, result I thought. Oh no, still felt rubbish. It'll take time says doctor. I've been suffering for 2.5 years because of your stupid diagnosis of menopause and depression, both of which were wrong. How much more time do I have to allow for my struggles?? How much more time does my husband and family have to put up with me being this stressed, tearful, irritable, moaning old bag?? If my husband left me I wouldn't blame him. What damage am I causing my teen daughter who needs an alert, on the ball, calming, understanding mum? These are the most difficult years in her life, she needs me, the old me
I was lucky enough to get to see a specialist who said my iron tablets were the wrong ones and my vit D tablets were no way near strong enough, plus she wanted to raise my levothyroxine. Blood tests taken for various things, celiac and arthritis amongst the usual tests. Great I thought. Definite result this time. Wrong. She said she would inform my doctor of her findings.
1 week passed.....2 weeks passed....not heard anything. Chased the specialist, no reply, no return of call. Chased doctor - nope, she hasn't heard anything. Christmas arrives, I'm too knackered to enjoy. Bet the doctor had a fab break.
Another week passes, hear nothing. Chase specialist, secretary says letter has been sent to doctor. Chase doctor, secretary says letter received, need to speak to doctor, she will ring on Monday (6days later)
Doctor telephones asking how she can help??
Excuse me??
Told her she had a letter from my specialist.
Yes, she says.
Well??? I say.
What did the specialist say to you, asks the doctor.
For gods sake, please can you help me. I saw a specialist over a month ago, I had blood taken, I was told all the tablets I was on were wrong, I still feel crap, I've heard nothing from nobody and I'm fed up.
The specialist should have contacted you direct, says doctor.
Well she didn't.
Well you are paying the specialist not me, it's a waste of time paying her if she isn't doing her job. I can administer drugs as she suggests but you need to speak to her about anything else.
I have never had the mispleasure to see a specialist, I have no idea how things work, I do not know whether specialist and doc work together to help me (this is what I suspected), or if I deal with my doctor and she does as specialist suggests, or if I don't speak to doc at all and deal only with specialist arrrghhhhhhh.
I tell doc all this - she tells me very huffily specialist says I need stronger iron tablets and vit d tablets and she will leave prescription at reception.
THNK YOU, Hallelujah, praise The Lord.
My blood pressure is now sky high, I have an anxious ball in my chest, I want to scream and maybe even slam my fist down on the table (but I won't), so thank you doctor. If you wanted to be a doctor, what was your reason? Was it because you care?? Because it certainly doesn't seem it.
The truth is, your put out because specialist says you have put me on the wrong tablets. Well, if you've got a problem with the specialist overriding what you have done, deal with it and don't take it out one me.
So sorry for the long rant but I just cannot get my head around all of this. I'm tired of trying to fight for my health, I just cannot keep doing this. I'm so scared of the future. Yes, I may be medicated correctly in the next 6 months but what if I get really sick again in the future? No one seems to care in the medical profession, if they cared and understood they wouldn't put you through this.
The medical profession sucks. I'm fed up of foreign people telling me that at least we have the NHS, yes we do but it's not working properly