Private bloods back.... Please have a look, nee... - Thyroid UK

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Private bloods back.... Please have a look, need some help. Dr S patient.

catsndogs profile image
8 Replies

I got an T3/T4 + TSH tested privately and the results have just been emailed back to me. I don't know much about Thyroid issues as I am not long diagnosed (Hypo) but I think I am safe to increase my dose from 50mcg to 75mcg? There is only a very slight variation between these new results and my last ones, I have been on the 50mcg dose for almost ten weeks, with a few days of alternating 50/75mcg.

My main current symptoms are: Cold, shaky, headaches, no appetite, very tired, fuzzy headed, body pains etc The list could go on!

Latest Blood Results (16.12.13)

T3: 4.6 (3.1-6.8)

T4: 20.2 (12.0-22.0)

TSH: 0.90 (0.27-4.2)

Previous Blood Results:

T3: 4.5 (3.5-6.5) Date: 4/9/13

T4: 22.0 (9-24) Date: 24/10/13

TSH: 0.97 (0.3-6.0) Date 24/10/13

Does everything look ok to go to 75mcg Levo for 4 weeks? I thought with these results I should feel a bit better maybe.

A thousand thanks for any input,


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catsndogs profile image
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8 Replies
roslin profile image

Have you not found anybody to take over from dr s? To me your T4is quite high in range and your T3has stayed pretty much the same, which was similar to mine . Dr s prescribed T3 he didn't say why exactly but I think I have a conversion problem for one reason or another. You could go to 75 mcg but I would keep T3in mind if that doesn't work.


Heloise profile image

Your free T3 is fairly low in comparison to your fairly high T4. Conversion from T4 to T3 takes place in the liver and there are factors that assist with this process. Do you have any idea about your B12, iron, folate and vitamin D levels? But they can be worked out.

catsndogs profile image

Thanks Roslin. No, I haven't been able to find another doctor to take over from Dr S. I had not long had a conversation with him regarding my medication and it was to be reviewed the week after his tragic passing. He did speak about Armour since my I was calling to say how awful I felt. The first six weeks of my treatment were on Wockhardt tablets, which sent me spinning off into orbit! I stupidly thought this way par for the course when starting Thyroid treatment and finished the tablets I had, six weeks of hell. It was only when I started Actavis brand did I realise what was going on.

I won't know if and when to pull the plug on the T4 only. I certainly know I feel pretty awful, and look like a skeleton with these horrendous black shadows under my eyes, which I didn't have before I started Levo.

I have no choice but to try and manage things in the meantime, but I would like to get another doctor (a good one, not like most nhs lol) as I don't feel confident trying to work things out by myself.

Thanks Roslin, I'll keep the T3 in mind, I hope things are going well for you now.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to catsndogs

Make sure you take your Levo an hour before tea, coffee, food and other meds & supplements or two hours after.

If you supplement iron or calcium these need to be taken 4 hours either side of T4.

If you feel hyper on 25mcg increase daily, try it every other day for a week or two before raising it daily.

shaws profile image

As it looks as if you are a relative newcomer on T4, I think your blood test results look o.k. It does take time to gradually increase your dose before you feel better. I would up my dose by about 25mcg to see if it helps with your clinical symptoms and if you begin to feel hyper drop it down again. It does have a half life of seven day.

If you email who has a list of NHS Endos/private doctors and there may be one near you.

Dr S always tried to get his patients to increase their levo to an optimum level, so that the GP would have less of a problem prescribing whereas they wont presribe NDT.

If you have vitamin C each day, it helps the conversion of T4 to T3. I have powdered Vit C and take 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon in water or juice at lunchtime. It is also helpful to take supplements.

This is a link re nutrition and then click on supplements

catsndogs profile image

Thank you both Clutter and Shaws. Yes, I don't have anything to eat or drink 2hrs before my medication, which I take at night on going to bed, and take my Iron/Vit C drink during the day, along with a multivit + B12 spray - See, I am learning, lol albeit slowly :)

My GP just wouldn't give me a script, because I was 'within range' (but desperately unwell?) so Dr S gave it to me. I have only stalled on the 50mcg dose because I was due a review with Dr S and another script. I'm now in medication conservation and had an extra delay in getting my blood tested privately.

I did ask Louise for the list as she was so on the ball and helpful, I aim to get my medication supply sorted first then find a doctor to guide me. I thought my woes were over when I discovered Dr S, another couple of corners to turn but the journey continues.

Thanks for replying, I'll go up 25mcg and hope the plane flies fast when I order online, lol.

Just away to check out the link Shaws.

Appreciate the help,


catsndogs profile image

Thank you reallyfedup123 for the reply. I am working to try and get my Iron level up, using a drink that I add some Vit C to.

There is no chance that the GP will issue a script, even before my blood results were so good. I got my medication privately from the now deceased Dr S. Still such a shock to say he is deceased.

I did take my Thyroxine the night before my blood test, tested at 9am the following morning. Maybe I should have missed the dose out the night before.....

I tried taking an extra 25mcg last night, so 75mcg instead of the usual 50mcg and really have not had a good today, been in bed all day and can certainly relate to your username, reallyfedup just hits the nail on the head!

Thanks for your reply and info, I hope you are getting on ok?

All the best,


catsndogs profile image

Thanks reallyfedup, I'm always grateful for information as I don't know a great deal, in-fact very little. I totally forgot about taking my medication before doing a test, my brain is not my best ally for the past while, forgetful and foggy.

I hope your family are doing ok.

Best Wishes,


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