Hi all
Does anyone here take high doses of B12? It's been suggested by my private doctor that i do. I've never come back deficient in blood tests though.
Hi all
Does anyone here take high doses of B12? It's been suggested by my private doctor that i do. I've never come back deficient in blood tests though.
trust your doctor...some people benefit from b12 despite having 'normal' blood serum levels.
also, just to add to your question, many people with chronic fatigue syndrome have high doses B12 despite normal blood levels, usually injections, in fact my GP has a few of these patients yet she refuses to prescribe me b12 injections more often than every 12 weeks despite evidence of my pernicious anaemia and my levels being low on the 12 weekly regime (don't get me started I AM LIVID WITH HER FOR THIS)
I hope you've asked her if she's prepared to accept full responsibility for any permanent neurological damage you might suffer as a result of her refusal to provide an adequate treatment schedule for your diagnosed medical condition, whilst pointing out that the BNF section 9.1.2 gives full sanction for injections every other day until no further improvement, if necessary, so she is in fact contravening the guidelines as well.
Oh, and ask her would she allow a diabetic to fall into a coma before administering life saving insulin injections, or would she in fact teach said diabetics to self inject as and when they needed it, rather than waiting for them to be half dead as is routinely the case with her PA patients?
I know hampster I've taken action long ago, it is since April/May 2012 that I self inject and buy my methylcobalamin from my private doctor (same doc as sporty actually). I initially self injected daily for a month or two, am now on weekly injections subcutaneously, seems to be a good regime where I am well and avoid getting symptoms coming back. I think I do have permanent damage already in which my brain has NEVER got back to function 100%, though I have improved I am still quite mentally clumsy...
I'm too scared to switch to methyl, the hydroxo seems to work better for me, and when I was taking methyl subs alongside I actually felt worse. My brain is loads sharper than it was, but my memory is still pretty flaky, not sure that will ever come back properly.
What do you take alongside? I've found I still need a really high dose of folic acid otherwise my symptoms come back.
H x
hi hampster, I only take methylcobalamin subcutaneously, 750mcg every week. Then of course I have other tabs/etc I take, like multivitamins, multiminerals (from my dr), iron, high vitamin Bs complex (50mg of every b vitamin), vitamin K, vitamin D
I would say what a very wise private doctor you have.