I'm borderline ha ha.: My bloods were done on... - Thyroid UK

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I'm borderline ha ha.

hettie profile image
13 Replies

My bloods were done on Monday afternoon today I rang for the reulsts which are as follows: TSH 0.01 (0.27 - 4.2) T3 5.6 (3.00 - 6.5) T4 23. Ferratin 60. According to the lab I was borderline I take 150mg of levothyroxine daily!! What does that say? I am overweight, tired, depressed, my body temperature is like a yo yo. I would say I am still not taking enough and I am going to do battle with my doctor on Friday. Do you think asking for an increase of 100mg is too much? How would I know if my T3/T4 (don't which is the one that converts) is working correctly. I need some facts to throw at him. Thank you in advance.

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hettie profile image
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13 Replies
bantam12 profile image

An increase of 100mcg would be way too much, your TSH at 0.01 is really low and although you haven't given the ranges for T4 that is possible either right at the top or just over, T3 is not a bad level, better than a lot can achieve. If you weren't converting then your T3 would be much lower.

It is just possible you are overmedicated, symptoms can be exactly the same as undermedicated. Most doctors seeing those results would want a reduction in dose not an increase and although you may not believe them it is quite possible you would feel better on less, I did.

Moggie profile image

Firstly can I ask if you meant to say you are on 50mcg's of levo and not 150mcg's as you then go on to say that you want to increase to 100mcg's?

Secondly I don't know where the "borderline" comment comes from as, looking at your results the only thing I can see that is possible borderline is that you are borderline OVER medicated - to much levo. Your T4 is 23 and although you don't give a range it must be somewhere near the top and your T3 is at a good level. Your TSH will be classed as low in range and your GP may well ask you to decrease your meds not increase them.

Have you had any other vitamins tested as you could be confusing low B12 or vitD with thyroid symptoms. I felt like you and told my GP that my meds were not working only to find that I had low VitD, fairly low B12 and very low ferritin levels (your ferritin levels aren't to bad by the way).

Moggie x

hettie profile image
hettie in reply to Moggie

Hi Moggies been to the doctors today and he was very happy with my results, said the average dose is 150mg. Mentioned reverse T3 said he couldn't give me a prescription as it's not available on NHS. I think I have been fobbed off by same old same old, doctors are as uneducated as the rest of us.


Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to hettie

Did you ask about your B12 and VitD and also did you discuss you remaining symptoms?

Moggie x

hettie profile image
hettie in reply to Moggie

Hi Moggie, I have had them checked in the past and they were fine, So it looks like I'm stuck in the same predicament as many people, when are doctors going to wise up!! Thank you so much for your help I just wish the medical fraternity were as educated. He didn't want to reduce my meds either. Hettiex

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to hettie

I dont know if you are aware that just because you are in the "NHS range" it does not mean that you are in the range that is suitable for thyroid patients. For example - the NHS range for B12 is approx 190 to 900 and your GP will say yu are o.k. if you are at 250 BUT because you are a thyroid sufferer you need to have a B12 level of approx 700 for your thryoid medication to work properly. This also goes for your ferritin level (iron storage), I think the NHS range is something link 30 - 120 but, once again, you need a level much higher than the lowest NHS range for you thyroid meds to work - usually above 70.

If I were you I would get a print out of all the vitamin tests you have had done and post them on here for people to comment. Takeing the GP's "normal" or "in range" is just not good enough when you have thryoid illness.

Moggie x

hettie profile image

Hi Moggie, no I take a 150mg daily. Sorry my T4 range is (10 - 21). I have been reading Dr. Barry Durrant-Peatfield on 'Your Thyroid and how to keep it healthy' he says blood results are a waste of time. There is so much confusion, I am overweight, tired, by body thermostat isn't working, my hair on the left side is much, much thinner than the other side. So what is going on if I'm supposedly overmedicated?? It was the lab test results which said I was borderline and should be checked again.!! Oh god I wish someone could sort me out.

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to hettie

As Moggie said you are borderline Hyperactive. The blood tests are not a waste of time, if you didn't have them to go by you would carry on increasing under the impression you were still Hypo and end up toxic, as I said the symptoms are the same so don't assume because you are tired, have temp probs and thinning hair you need a higher dose, they all come with overmedication as well. Been there and got the t-shirt ! I now take far less than I used to.

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to hettie

Hi Hettie,

I did reply to you last night but it does not appear to be here so will have another go.

Firstly I need to apologise for misreading you question so far as the amount of meds you are taking goes, and secondly I would be seriously looking at which of your vitamins is low and could be causing the symptoms you are suffering. You really need to ask you GP to test for the ones in my first answer but also bare in mind what hypohen has said, and that is that taking to much medication can cause the same symptoms as being under medicated.

The lab may have been meaning borderline HYPER not HYPO so don't be surprised if your GP wants to reduce your meds.

Have a look at this link re RT3 and see what you think.


As lillymay has said your ferritin could do with a little bit of a tweak but nothing to drastic - low iron can cause all your symptoms and hair loss BUT your iron is only just under the recommended 70 for thyroid patients.

Get your B12, VitD and folates tested as see what they say.

Moggie x

Totoro profile image

I wonder if you are someone who is producing too much reverse T3 so the T3 that is being converted from your 150mcg T4 isn't getting into your cells properly.

It would be an option to change some of your T4 to T3 and see how that goes.

Totoro x

Your ferritin could be a bit higher. Many people find they need it to be 70-80.

See here: nahypothyroidism.org/deiodi...

hettie profile image

Hi Moggie thank you and everyone for replying to my query. I am sick of been overweight I am just stuck and nothing I do seems to make any difference. At 61 years of age I am no spring chicken but I do like to look nice. I have other problems, but I would feel a dam sight better if I were slimmer. Perhaps it is a conversion problem as Totoro suggest, could I perhaps ask the doctor to change some of my meds. what would I suggest he put me on. Thank you all so much for your advice. Hettiex

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to hettie

Sorry hettie looks like I missed this question. To stop this happening again use the "reply to this" button at the end of my reply and I will get an email to say you have replied to me, as will everyone else if you use this method on their replies also. It stops people missing further communication.

In my opinion (and it is only my opinion) your FT3 is high enough in range for a conversion problem to be ruled out so I dont think the GP will be able to offer you anything else that will help.

I think you may have something else going on that hasn't been looked at yet. As I have already said get copies and post your vitamin results and lets see what this suggests.

Moggie x

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