Hypo thyroid for 20 years, recently diagnosed IBS brought about by food intollenrance. I have to find out what I am intollerant to on my own, no help available and it looks like lactose. No one told me it was in my thyroxine and pharmacist hid it with their label. Searching for info to take to doctors with today. Cant seem to find any
lactose intolerance: Hypo thyroid for 20 years... - Thyroid UK
lactose intolerance
you can have levothyroxine which does not contain lactose, not sure what else you need to know
Sitting with a box in my hand, spelling checked.... oh yes it does. Doc is going to give me a ten day trial of the liquid form. She needs special permission from the health authority because it costs 100 times more than the levothyroxine tablets I have taken for nigh on 20 years. Will take 5 working days for pharmasist to get it in.

Hi - I was wondering how you got on with the lactose free thyroxine. Did you feel better on it, rather than levothyroxine? I am starting to suspect I am lactose intolerant too, and have cut out all dairy. I feel better, except for the few hours every day after I take my thyroxine. I want to make sure I'm armed with as much information before I visit my GP, as I have never found them very helpful in the 6 years since I was diagnosed hypothyroid. Thanks.
Thyroid UK have some information on lactose free thyroxine. There is a link to a special contact form for this at thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/contac...